20+ Best Call Centers Affiliate Programs and Networks To Escalate Your Business in 2024

Call centers are becoming increasingly popular as businesses look to outsource customer service and support. They are integral to many businesses, providing customer service, sales, and technical support. As more and more businesses are turning to call centers to handle their customer interactions, it has opened up a new opportunity for affiliates to promote these services. Many affiliate networks have begun offering programs designed to help call centers increase their revenue. Around 8 out of 10 brands run affiliate marketing programs.

From providing customer service solutions to helping customers troubleshoot technical issues, call centers offer a wide range of services that can be monetized through affiliate programs. Affiliate marketing is an attractive option for those who want to make passive income but don’t have the time or resources to invest in creating their products. By partnering with the right call center affiliate program, you can start earning money in no time.

Call Centers are the first point of contact between a customer and a company, and they are essential for providing customer service and support. For this reason, call centers must have the right resources and tools to ensure they are as efficient and effective as possible. One way to do this is to take advantage of affiliate programs and networks.

These programs enable you to monetize your website, blog, or other online presence by referring customers to call centers. By joining one of these programs, you can earn commissions for every customer you refer who makes a purchase. All in all, affiliate marketing for call centers is an incredibly lucrative business, and with the right set of skills and knowledge, it can be a great way to supplement your income. About 31% of publishers say that affiliate marketing is one of their top resources when it comes to revenues.

Finding the right affiliate programs can mean the difference between success and failure for your business. With the right programs in place, you can increase your brand awareness, generate more leads, and drive conversions. That’s why we have rounded up the best call center affiliate programs and networks to help you get started so that you can decide on the right program for you. Let’s take a look at the best call center affiliate programs and networks out there.

What Is a Call Centre Affiliate

Call center affiliates are individuals or organizations that work with call centers to provide additional services, such as marketing, customer service, and sales. So, many businesses are turning to call centers to provide customer service and support, as they can provide a cost-effective solution to businesses of all sizes.

An affiliate call center is a third-party company that provides customer service and support on behalf of another company. This service can include answering customer inquiries, troubleshooting technical issues, and handling sales orders. Affiliate call centers are a great way for businesses to outsource their customer service needs without investing in their staff or infrastructure. Individuals or organizations work with call centers to provide additional services, such as marketing, customer service, and sales.

A Call Centre Affiliate is an independent contractor who works as an extension of your business, providing customer service, sales, and technical support to your customers. They are typically hired to handle large volumes of calls and inquiries quickly and efficiently, allowing your business to focus on its core operations. Call Centre Affiliates offer various services, including answering customer inquiries, processing orders, making outbound calls, and more. Utilizing a Call Centre Affiliate can reduce the costs associated with running an in-house call center while still providing quality service to your customers.

Essentially, it involves companies outsourcing their customer service and sales operations to third-party companies specializing in this area. This is often done to reduce costs, streamline processes, and take advantage of the expertise of these third-party call center affiliates. This type of affiliate marketing can be extremely lucrative, as it allows you to focus on one specific niche and target potential customers who are more likely to become paying customers.

How Does a Call Centre Affiliate Work?

A call center affiliate program allows a business to provide an outsourced customer service solution. This could include taking customer calls, investigating customer issues and concerns, providing technical assistance, and more. The business working with the affiliate program typically pays a commission for each successful customer interaction. An affiliate program aims to help businesses save time and money by providing an experienced team of customer service specialists. This type of arrangement also allows businesses to outsource the customer service process to a reliable third party with specialized skills.

The payment system can be based on a percentage of the sale amount, a fixed fee, or both. The primary benefit of the call center is an increased customer base and increased revenue due to additional sales. For the affiliate, the rewards are passive income generated by their referrals and ongoing commissions from future sales.

For instance, as an affiliate, the call center would typically provide a staff of agents to answer calls, manage customer inquiries and sales inquiries, and help with other customer service tasks. In addition, they may also handle outbound marketing campaigns, such as cold calling and email campaigns. Depending on the agreement between the call center and the company, the services may be billed at an hourly rate, a per-minute rate, or an ongoing monthly fee.

For instance, here is a popular call center affiliate program 8x8. It offers $25 per line, up to $15 000 per referral. You can refer it to your friends or clients to get a generous cash reward.

Affiliate Marketing Payment Models

Maybe you think, what makes affiliate marketing so successful? Right. Of course, it is the various payment models available to affiliates. Depending on the company's product or service, different payment models can be used to reward affiliates for their efforts. With a wide range of affiliate payment models, it can be difficult to decide which is right. Let's look at the different affiliate marketing payment models, so you should know which payment model will be right for you.

Cost Per Action (CPA)

One of the most common payment models used in affiliate marketing is the Cost Per Action (CPA) model. In this model, affiliates are paid a commission when an action is taken by a customer they have referred. This could include signing up for an account, purchasing, or downloading an app.

This payment model is based on the performance of an affiliate, which is why it’s also referred to as performance-based marketing. The CPA model is an attractive option for affiliates because it pays a commission for each customer's successful action, such as a purchase.

Cost Per Sale (CPS)

Cost per Sale (CPS) is a payment model used in affiliate marketing where the advertiser pays the publisher a commission for each conversion. This is one of the most popular payment models among advertisers and publishers because it offers a win-win situation for both parties. For the advertiser, it means that they only have to pay when the desired action is completed, and for the publisher, it means that they can be rewarded for their hard work.

The CPS payment model is a great way for advertisers to ensure that their affiliate marketing program is profitable and that their affiliates are being rewarded for their efforts

Cost Per Install (CPI)

Cost per Install (CPI) is a payment model for affiliate marketing that rewards affiliates based on the number of successful apps installed they generate. CPI is an effective way to scale your mobile user acquisition campaigns, as it puts the cost burden on the affiliate only after they have successfully driven a desired action. As such, it’s a great way to incentivize affiliates to drive high-quality traffic and conversions to your mobile app.

This model works well for mobile apps, as it allows the affiliate to target users who have already expressed an intent to install. It is also a great way for affiliates to monetize their traffic, as it is a cost-effective and low-risk way of earning revenue.

Cost Per Lead

Cost per Lead (CPL) is a popular payment model for affiliate marketing. It is an agreement between the merchant and the affiliate whereby the merchant pays the affiliate for each lead that the affiliate generates. CPL campaigns are often used to generate sales team leads, sign-up email lists, and increase brand awareness. This payment model can be beneficial for both the merchant and the affiliate as it allows the merchant to pay only for leads that are of value to them, and the affiliate is rewarded for their efforts in generating leads.

This type of payment model is becoming increasingly popular among affiliates, as it allows them to be more selective about which offers they promote and to get paid for the quality of their leads rather than just the number of leads they generate.

Revenue Share

Another payment model is Revenue Share or RevShare. This payment model compensates affiliates based on a percentage of revenue generated from their referrals. It’s an attractive option for many affiliates because it can generate more income than other payment models. This commission structure rewards affiliates based on the amount of revenue they generate for the merchant. This model is becoming increasingly popular with businesses of all sizes as it provides both the affiliate and the business with a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Tips to Choose the Right Call Centre Affiliate Program

Choosing the right call center affiliate program for your business can be daunting. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which program will provide the best ROI. But with careful consideration and research, you can find the ideal program for your company. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you select the right call center affiliate program for your business.

Research for the Reputation of the Program

Of course, affiliate marketing is a golden opportunity to make money, but it’s important to research the reputation of the affiliate program before signing up. It’s not enough to just look at the commission rates or the products they offer. You need to ensure that the program is reputable and that you can get paid on time. After all, you want to ensure you align yourself with a reputable program that will treat you and your customers fairly.

Before engaging with a call center affiliate program, it is important to research its reputation. Read through customer reviews and feedback from other affiliates to better understand the program’s track record and level of service. Understanding the reputation of a program is essential to making sure you partner with the right people and ensure that your brand is not associated with any questionable practices

Look for Reliable Payment Methods

When it comes to running an affiliate program, one of the most important aspects to consider is the payment system. You need to make sure that you have a reliable system in place that will ensure that your affiliates get paid on time, every time. You can track affiliate payments and easily manage the process with the right payment system.

Ensure that the program offers secure and reliable payment systems for affiliates. This will ensure that you receive accurate and timely payments for your work and that your commissions are not delayed or lost. So to ensure that your affiliate program is a success, you need to look for a payment system that is secure, efficient, and cost-effective. After all, payments are the lifeblood of any successful affiliate program.

Consider Essential Features

Find out whether the program offers reporting, tracking, analytics, and customer service features. These features can help you understand your customers better and make more informed decisions about your marketing strategies and campaigns. For instance, you should look for

  • Comprehensive Tracking System: An effective tracking system is essential for any affiliate program. It needs to track impressions, clicks, conversions, and commissions so that you can optimize and manage your affiliate relationships effectively.
  • Automated Commission Payments: Ensure your program allows for automated commission payments to ensure that your affiliates are paid on time.
  • Real-Time Analytics: This kind of feature gives you real-time insights into your program so you can make informed decisions quickly.
  • Reporting: Reporting features should provide you with a detailed overview of key metrics such as impressions, clicks, sales, conversions, and more. This will help you make better decisions about optimizing your affiliate program for success.

Compare Commission Rates

When comparing commission rates of different programs, it's important to look at each program's details to ensure you are getting the best deal. Things to consider include the amount of commission earned per sale, the payment terms, other fees associated with the program, and customer service support offered. Ultimately, finding the best commission rate should depend on how much effort you want to put into promoting your program and how many returns you want.

So, it's important to review the commission rates for each affiliate program you are considering and compare them to similar programs. Be sure to look at the amount of the commission, how often it is paid, and the payment method. Look out for programs that offer higher commission rates or bonus structures, which can increase your earnings over time.

Consider Long Term Values

Many affiliate programs offer different promotional incentives and discounts over time. Look at a program's long-term value to ensure you get the best deal.

It’s important to remember that an affiliate program's success is determined by its long-term value. When selecting partners for an affiliate program, it’s important to consider factors such as their ability to reach a wide audience, their ability to generate quality leads, and the amount of time and effort they are willing to invest in promoting your product or service. By taking the time to carefully select partners who are committed to helping you achieve your goals, you can ensure that your affiliate program will be successful in the long run.

Evaluate other Factors

In the end, affiliate programs help you to increase brand awareness. However, when evaluating affiliate programs, there are more factors to consider than just the commission rate. The success of an affiliate program depends on many factors, such as the quality of the product or service being offered, the reputation of the merchant, the size and reach of the affiliate network, and the overall marketing strategy

The commission is important, but it’s not the only factor to consider when evaluating an affiliate program. Make sure you also evaluate customer service, product selection, and other factors that could affect your success with the program.

How to Promote Your Affiliate Products

Promoting a call center affiliate program can greatly increase your revenue and build long-term relationships with customers. However, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Many companies are turning to affiliate programs as an effective way to promote their products and services. However, it takes more than just signing up for an affiliate program to be successful. To maximize your affiliate program’s potential, it’s important to understand the different strategies that can be used to promote it. The key to affiliate marketing success is promoting the right products and offers using the right strategies.

Pay per Click (PPC)

Looking for a new way to promote your affiliate product? Look no further than Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. PPC is a powerful tool that allows you to send your message to a targeted audience quickly and effectively. With PPC, you can reach potential customers who are actively searching for products and services like yours. You only pay for the clicks that you receive, so you can control your budget and get the most out of your advertising dollars.

PPC campaigns allow you to target potential customers who are actively searching for services or products like yours and get them to visit your website. This type of advertising is incredibly effective and can significantly increase your affiliate sales if done correctly. For instance, if you search for ‘long boots’, you will get all the top results from sponsored posts or PPC ads.

Social Media

Social media is powerful for businesses and entrepreneurs to reach more people and generate more sales. It’s also an effective way to promote affiliate products. It allows you to reach a large number of people quickly and easily. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can do wonders for you. For instance, you can create posts that begin conversations, offer promotions, and share tips and tricks with viewers. Instagram works especially well for this because of its hashtag feature, which allows you to reach a wide range of potential customers.

Moreover, do contests and giveaways to generate more visibility for your product. Offer incentives to followers who share your post or tag friends on social media. Also, use paid social media ads to get your products in front of potential customers. You can target your ads by demographics, interests, and more to reach an appropriate audience.

Search Engine Optimization

You have an amazing affiliate product, but you need to get the word out. One great way to do this is by using SEO-optimized content. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it's a process of making sure your content is visible to search engines like Google and Bing. It's a powerful way to get your product in front of potential customers who are already looking for what you have to offer.  The higher your website ranks, the more likely people are to find it and purchase the product you are promoting.

For example, you can use relevant keywords in your content related to your product or the affiliate program. Optimize the product page's title tags, meta descriptions, and H1 tags for better visibility in search engine results. Moreover,  monitor your SEO performance using tools such as Google Analytics and Search Console to track engagement, impressions, click-through rates, and rankings for specific keywords related to the product or service you’re promoting.


Blogging is an excellent way to drive traffic to your affiliate product and increase your sales. It is also a great way to build relationships with your audience and establish yourself as an authority in the market. Here are some tips on how to promote your affiliate product through blogging.

  • Create content that is relevant to your product. Make sure to include keywords that are related to your product, as this will help your content appear in search engine results.
  • Use visuals to make your blog posts more engaging. Images, videos, and infographics can all be used to help illustrate your points and keep readers interested.
  • Share your content on social media to reach a wider audience.

Following these tips can effectively promote your affiliate product through blogging.


One way to do this is to use videos to promote your affiliate product. Videos are an effective way to showcase your product and capture the attention of potential customers. They can also help you stand out from the competition and increase conversions. Here's how you can promote your affiliate product through YouTube videos

  • Create a short video advertising your affiliate product. The video should include basic information about the product, such as what it does, how it can help people, and why they should buy it.
  • Share the video on YouTube, Vimeo, and other popular video streaming sites. Include a link to your affiliate product page in the video description, so viewers can easily find it.
  • Post the video on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Ensure to include a link to your affiliate product page in each post.
  • Create a video series promoting your affiliate product. For example, a weekly series where you showcase different features or benefits of the product each week.


As an affiliate marketer, you know the importance of promoting your products to the right audience. One way to do this is through the use of coupons. Coupons can attract potential customers, increase sales, and boost affiliate commissions. They are a great way to incentivize customers to purchase through your affiliate link. Coupons can drive sales and increase brand loyalty by incentivizing customers to purchase your product. By offering a coupon, you are creating an opportunity for customers to purchase your product at a discount and showing that you value their business.

Customers using the coupon code provided by the affiliate can purchase products or services at a discounted rate and generate sales for the affiliate. Additionally, affiliate marketers can develop relationships with coupon sites and utilize their platforms to promote their affiliate links and coupons. Doing so helps to increase reach and visibility and potentially boost conversion rates.

Email Marketing

Email marketing has long been known as one of the most effective ways to promote affiliate products and services. With the right techniques, you can reach your target audience and get them to take action. The key to successful email marketing is creating engaging content that provides value to your readers while driving them to take action.

It allows you to reach out to potential customers and existing customers alike in an effective and cost-efficient manner. Email marketing can increase your affiliate product sales, generate more leads, and build customer relationships. With email, you can quickly and easily reach your target audience, track how many people are opening your emails, clicking on links, and taking action.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for brands and businesses looking to increase their reach and visibility. With the rise of social media, influencers have become trusted sources of engaging content and are increasingly being tapped to promote products and services.

To use influencer marketing to promote your affiliate product, you can reach out to influencers in your niche or industry, who are knowledgeable and interested in your product, and build relationships with them. Offer them incentives or compensation in exchange for promoting your product or linking to it from their social media profiles. This can help increase the visibility of your product and build trust with potential customers. Additionally, you could create special offers for followers of influencers who purchase your affiliate product.

How to Use Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are an important part of any affiliate marketing strategy. They are a way for businesses to track the performance of their affiliate partners and reward them for sending customers to their site. But how do you create and use affiliate links? Here’s how to use them to your advantage.

  1. Join an Affiliate program

Before you can start using affiliate links, you need to join an affiliate program. Look for programs that offer you a commission based on the sales generated by your links.

  1. Generate Affiliate links

Once you have joined an affiliate program, you can start generating affiliate links for marketing campaigns. Look for options within the program’s software that allow you to customize your links, using a unique tracking code for each link.

  1. Promote your Links

After generating affiliate links, you can begin promoting them in your content, social media, and emails. Make sure to link to relevant content, as visitors are more likely to convert when they find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

  1. Track your Performance

Tracking how your affiliate links perform is a great way to see what kind of content resonates best with your audience. Keep track of the number of clicks, sales, and commissions earned from each link, and use this data to see which strategies work best for you.

How to Sign Up for the Affiliate Program

With affiliate marketing, you can earn commissions by promoting products and services from other companies. But before you can start earning commissions, you have to sign up for the affiliate program. Here’s how to sign up for the affiliate program.

  1. Visit the website of the company or organization whose affiliate program you would like to join.
  2. Look for a link to the affiliate program or a page with information about it.
  3. Read the program's terms and conditions carefully to ensure you understand them.
  4. If applicable, fill out the application form with the requested information about yourself and your website or blog.
  5. Submit the form, and wait for confirmation from the affiliate program coordinators that you have been accepted as an affiliate.
  6. Once accepted, you will receive an affiliate ID number and often a link to use on your website to link to the company or organization’s site. Finally, start promoting your affiliate link and begin earning commission on sales.

How to Track Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are effective, but it’s important to know which links are working and which aren’t so you can focus your efforts on the ones bringing in the most revenue. Here are a few simple ways to help you to track your affiliate links and ensure you’re getting the most out of your affiliate marketing efforts.

  1. Use a Link Tracking Platform: A link tracking platform (such as ClickMeter) allows you to easily create, embed, and track the performance of your affiliate links. This will allow you to track clicks, conversions, and sales across multiple channels.
  2. UTM Parameters: UTM parameters are snippets of code that can be added to an affiliate link to track each link's performance. By adding a unique UTM parameter to each link, you can track clicks, conversions, and sales back to the specific link.
  3. Custom Domain: Using a custom domain for your affiliate links allows you to easily track the performance of each link and monitor it against other links. This will allow you to optimize the performance of your affiliate links and ensure that you are making the most of your campaigns.


Choosing the best call center affiliate program is a process that requires research. You should consider various programs and networks and consider the payment methods, level of support, commission rates, and types of offers available. This can help make sure you get the most out of your partnership. With the right research and planning, you can find an affiliate program that perfectly fits your and your business needs.

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