January 12, 2022 832

How to Improve Your Conversion Rates with a Pre-Landing in 2025 — 7 Fast and Easy Ways

If you want to have a passive income then one of the best places you can do it is the internet. And one of the most popular jobs on the internet is affiliate marketing. An affiliate marketer needs a lot of things to become successful, and everyone knows that the most important thing for an affiliate is the traffic they get, but the traffic only does not guarantee any sale. So what is the thing that an affiliate needs to make sales?

Affiliates need a conversion rate, and that means that affiliates need to turn their traffic into customers. For example, if a website has a 20% conversion rate, it means that 20% of its traffic will turn into its customers. Affiliate marketers not only need a lot of traffic, but they also need to constantly increase their conversion rate, so they would make more money.

One of the best ways an affiliate can increase their conversion rate is by using a pre-landing page, and in this article, we will show you how you can increase your conversion rate using a pre-landing page. Making a pre-landing page in a way that increases your conversion rate, and your overall sale, is easy and you can do it without having any problem, so sit back and enjoy reading.

What Is a Pre-Landing Page

A pre-landing page is a page that you might see before you get to the landing page, and what is the landing page? When you click on an ad or a URL, you expect that the URL takes you to a page where you can see the offer you clicked the URL for. The page where you clicked to see the offer is the landing page, and before that, there might be a pre-landing page that prepares the users and visitors for what they will see on the landing page. There are, in fact, a lot of differences between a landing page and a pre-landing page.

Have you ever seen an ad and then you clicked on that advertisement, and what you saw was nothing like what you have seen on the advertisement? One of the reasons why pre-landing pages are useful is that they can assure the users that the offer they will be faced with on the landing page, is what they expect.

A landing page will provide the users with much detailed information about the offer or the product they have. They give detailed information about the product, and at the end, the ability to purchase that offer. On the other hand, pre-landing pages provide users with brief and short information about the offer, which can be useful for some people. When some users see the landing page and face a lot of detailed information about a product, they might get confused about that product. That is why a pre-landing page with less information or brief information about the offer, can assure the users about the product they want.

A landing page is where the offer and the option for conversion exist and it aims for the final stage of purchasing. A pre-landing page aims more toward spiking customers and making them more interested in the offer.

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Why Should Affiliates Use a Pre-Landing Page

Pre-landing pages can benefit affiliates greatly, and as we mentioned at the start of this article, if you use them correctly they can increase an affiliate’s conversion rate by quite a lot. If you are looking for the answer to whether you should be using a pre-landing page or not, the answer is yes. You should be using a pre-landing page for all of your links that you can. Although, there is a big matter for using pre-landing pages.

Not all the companies and the affiliate programs allow the affiliates to use a pre-landing page. If the pre-landing pages increase the rate of conversion rates, then why do some companies not allow for these pages? The reason for that is because when you use an affiliate link, the customers who click on the link, will eventually arrive at the landing page, but when you use a pre-landing page, the companies with the affiliate programs do not have any control over the pre-landing pages that you make, so the information you put on your pre-landing page, might not be true, and it might lead to miss-leading information. Some affiliates might even take advantage of pre-landing pages that might end up in false information to increase the conversion rate.

It is unfortunate that some affiliate programs do not allow you to use a pre-landing page for affiliate marketing, so you always need to watch out for these rules on affiliate programs and they allow you to use a pre-landing page. Besides that, you also need to make sure that the landing pages you make have quality and they are not just some pages that give no value and do not add to your conversion rate. For example, the NordVPN affiliate program does not allow for pre-landing pages.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Pre-Landing page

Like any other thing in affiliate marketing, using a pre-landing page comes with a lot of advantages and disadvantages. However, we still recommend you to use a pre-landing page because the advantages it gives you are a lot more worthy, and the disadvantages are not that much of a big deal. First, let us have a look at what pre-landing pages offer affiliates.

The Pros of Pre-Landing Pages:

  • The most important factor to a pre-landing page is that it will increase the conversion rate. If you are an affiliate you might want to use all the advantages that you have to pump up the number of those sales.
  • With the help of pre-landing pages, you can inform the customers about what they are going to buy.
  • If you use a pre-landing page, the users will be more engaged with the product they want to purchase.
  • When you use a pre-landing page to transform a user to the targeted landing page, the transaction will be much smoother rather than using a simple loading. The other thing about pre-landing pages is that they load much faster compared to normal pages, so the user does not need to wait to land on the landing page, and instead, they will be moved to a pre-landing page.
  • The bounce rate from the landing page will be a lot less if you use a landing page. Bounce rate is when a user gets to a page and immediately closes the page, and returns to the source page. Having a lower bounce rate is a valuable point for improving your SEO, and if your bounce rate is less, you will get a much better result.
  • Another great thing about pre-landing pages is that they are very scalable. No matter the devices, they are optimized for the usage of all devices.

Now that we told you about the advantages of a pre-landing page, here are a few problems that you might face when you are using a pre-landing page.

The Cons of Pre-Landing Pages:

  • Some of the affiliate programs do not allow you to use pre-landing pages. If you use an affiliate program that does not allow for pre-landing pages, it might negatively affect your conversion rate.
  • Most of the campaigns require the affiliates to do a lot of trials and errors till they can get the result that they want from a pre-landing page. Remember that if you do not make a quality pre-landing page, it might result in the reverse way and bring you losses. At the start of your work, you might meet some losses, but in the end, using a pre-landing page will be beneficial.
  • If you do not have enough experience with pre-landing pages, and setting them up, you might have problems setting up your landing, but it is not something special, later in this article, we will show you how you can easily make a beautiful landing page.

A/B Testing:

As we mentioned before, one of the cons of a pre-landing age is to start it up and get things right. Because of that one of the best things you can do is setting up an A/B test. A/B testing is a user experimental testing method in which you take two-state of a program and you see which one works better. For a pre-landing page, if you do not know which type of landing page works better, make two of them and see which one gives you a better result. Keep in mind that the result is more important in the long run. With this type of testing, you can see what works and what does not work in a very fast paste.

Symmetric and Engaging Headlines

One of the most important factors for making people interested in what you have to offer is the heading. Whether you are using a regular page or a pre-landing page, headlines are crucial for a good user experience. One thing about your headings is that they should be very simple and not confusing at all. Try to avoid using slogans as headlines. One thing that you can use in the headlines is bates and hooks that will make the viewers more curious about your offer.

For instance, if you want to write about making money out of affiliate marketing, instead of writing making money out of affiliate marketing, writing something like "make $5 000 per month with affiliate marketing", will be a lot more effective and catchy. Another example is like the image below, try considering the best possible outcome and turn it into your headline.

Use Attractive Images

One of the best ways that you can attract people towards yourself is with beautiful visuals. Nothing will have an impact greater than an image. To make your pre-landing page even catchier than what it is. When someone opens your pre-landing page, the image is the first thing that they are going to see, so we can confidently say that it is also the most important part that will have a great impact on the viewers. Make sure to use high-quality and beautiful images for your pre-landing page.

Relevant Content

Making sure that the content that you put on your pre-landing page is relevant to the landing page. Putting irrelevant content on your pre-landing page might attract irrelevant traffic is an unethical practice. All of the content you put on your pre-landing page must be relevant to both your page and the landing page. You also need to avoid giving false information about the offer.

Simple Layout

Your pre-landing page must not be confusing to anyone and it should be clear and clean so that anyone could easily navigate around it and find the information they need. All the things on all the pages you have, even if it is a pre-landing page, should be very simple and clear. This will reduce bounce rate, users will spend more time on your pages (not for landing pages,) and it will improve the user experience.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Another thing that you can do to increase the catchiness of your pre-landing page is the call to action (CTA) method. This means that you need to tell the users what they need to do instead of using a phrase. As an example, if you want a button that will operate as a continue button, instead of writing continue on the button, write click here to continue. This will make your pre-landing page less boring and more interesting. You can see from the example below how they call to action with a simple button.

Loading Time

Making an impression on the viewers is one thing, but having them on your page is one of the most important things. As we said before, pre-landing pages already load quickly, but you still need to pay attention to their loading time, and whether they load quickly or not. Most of the users will not even pay attention to your landing page, and the effort you might have gone through to make that landing page. If your page does not load fast, the users will close it, and all of your efforts will go to waste so make sure that your pre-landing page loads quickly.

Do Not Ask for a Lot of Information

If you need to get pieces of information from the users, such as their emails or to get an application form from the users, do not overwhelm them with asking too much information. A simple field for them to enter their email, or at max, 3 fields are enough for all the information you need.

Just like you see from the example above, the pre-landing page asks for only the email of the users.

Case Study

As for a case study, the founder of CXL.com, Peep Leja, used a pre-landing page for a website for truck drivers to increase the conversion rate. Here is the pre-landing page that he used.

As you can see, the explanations are very simple, and they used the CTA (call-to-action) method. In the end, they changed some other designs such as asking for emails, and they ended up with a huge improvement in terms of their conversion rate. You can see how much they improved their conversion rate in the picture below.

They have also limited the number of questions for their forms, and now, they have a %21.7 conversion rate which is excellent. Similar to what they did for their website, you may also need a lot of testing so that you can get the most optimized version of a pre-landing page that gives you the maximum conversion rate.

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Overall, if you are looking for an extra solid way that can boost your conversion rate, one of the best options possible is using a pre-landing page. Sadly, using pre-landing pages for some of the affiliate programs is not available, so you need to be careful of where you use the landing pages. There are also a lot of ways that you can ensure a high-quality landing page. The quality of your landing is everything that you can have for a pre-landing page. If the quality of the ore-landing page is good enough then it will definitely attract traffic to itself, but if not, then work on it until you find the formula that is more suited for you.

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