November 22, 2021 692

How to Make Money on Black Friday — 8 Ways to Make Money On Black Friday & Cyber Monday in 2025

One of the best moments and opportunities to have a huge sale is on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In the United States of America, Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving. Cyber Monday is an e-commerce term for the Monday following Thanksgiving. During the week of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, The number of sales is ridiculously high, and everyone with any money-making business should take advantage of this matter. If you are a blogger, a shopkeeper, or even a simple affiliate marketer, it does not matter. You can use this opportunity to promote your products even more and sell even more.

Usually, at this time of the year, traffic coming toward affiliate marketers, and marketers in general, is very high. That is the reason why everyone has an excellent opportunity to sell their products far easier than ever.

If you are a blogger or any other kind of affiliate marketer, keep on reading. In this article, we will be teaching you how you can benefit from Black Friday and Cyber Monday to make your income even greater than what it already is.

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Optimize Your Workspace and Your Pages

When Black Friday and Cyber Monday come, a good shopkeeper would change the decoration of their shop to create a better shopping experience for the customers. An affiliate marketing job should not be so different from shopkeeping. Just like shopkeeping, you also should create a better shopping experience for your customer so that it helps you in your sales.

Your Pages and Workplace Must Look Good

The first thing that a customer will see and notice is how things look. As an affiliate marketer, a clean good-looking landing page will directly impact your customer's shopping experience. You can post special Black Friday offers on your landing page. You can also post some of the best upcoming sales on your landing pages, so it is the first thing that visitors see. Here is an article on Wix that guides you how to create a perfect landing page for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Showcase Sections

The first section that we think every page should have is a section that will showcase special offers during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. A place where you can showcase the products with the most amount of discount during these special days. You can have other sections of these sorts as well. Such as a place to show the most popular products or the best selling ones. Try to list any worth-mention affiliate offers in a special section that your customers can easily find. One other thing to remember is that try avoiding a new page for each occasion. Save your pages, and refresh them every time you want to use them. This will help your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) greatly.

Label Products

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are some of the best chances to sell your own labeled products, whether it is white-labeled or private-labeled. Since most of the products are going to be at a discount on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, people will not hesitate to use their credit cards to buy some products. People think anything they buy on these occasions is a win because of the discounts. For the reason we explained, you can promote and sell your labeled product more comfortably than ever. You can use print-on-demand services such as CafePress or RedBubble and then link them on your landing page. All you need to know about white-labeling products can be found in our other article.

You already might have seen a lot of places selling their labeled products for a special occasion. You can also add the element of "available for only a period of time" to persuade people into buying your labeled products. If you already sell your labeled products, you can consider a faster or different delivery service or different packaging as well.

Something to consider is that people are more likely to stay home with their families and shop online. So any sort of business involving online marketing, such as dropshipping and delivery service, would make money in this period.

Analyze Your Competitors

Affiliate marketing is like having a business, and a good business person will always have an eye on their competitors. A good business person will always learn from other people in the business and the market. What you can do as an affiliate marketer is to know the top bloggers or affiliate marketers of your niche and learn from them. You must always analyze what your opponents are doing and how their ranking is. Always analyze the keywords that you want to focus on. An example of data and case studies you should be looking for can be found on this Bloggerspassion case study post. The author claims that he has made $13 000 on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Reading through this type of Black Friday and Cyber Monday case studies and their strategies and analytics can give you precious insights.

You should know that some tools will allow you to search through the backlinks of a webpage. By doing so, you might have access to the sources they use, and you would know about their strategy and plans. You can use the knowledge of knowing what your rivals will do to improve your own sales and rankings. We mentioned one case study before. This post on Upfuel also mentions the author’s strategies for making $1 200 on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Promote Your Products via Email

A very effective way to improve sales in a period of time is through email marketing. The first step in email marketing is to have a list of emails from the people who will or might be willing to buy a product you are promoting. How can you get these lists? First of all, you must push towards an email subscription. So, at the end of the day, you would have a list full of emails that are interested in what you have to offer.

After that step, you want to email the people on your list of emails about a product they are hungry to have or a product you know that they will like. Some major companies will have a wishlist option for their products that if a customer wants a product, they will wishlist it, and they are notified whenever that product goes on a discount. For example, Steam notifies you whenever there is a sale on a product that you once wanted. If you can let people know about a discount on a product they want, they will always be coming back to you for more.

One other important thing that you have to do in order to keep your customers interested through an email is to add value to your emails. Never act towards a customer like you want to sell them a product. Try to act more as you care about them, and you are just going to help them get their desired products for much cheaper.

Review Your Affiliate Products

Writing a review or a case study or a story about a product you are trying to sell will increase that product's sales. If you tell people a story about a product, for example, how a product made your life easier, people are more likely to buy it as they hear someone else's experience, and they want to have that experience too. Usually on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, other affiliate marketers will talk about their experiences to encourage other people to buy that product. A very important thing to remember is not to overdo this. It will ruin your business and turn your page into a reviewing page.

Another thing you can do is review your products on your social media accounts. Youtube is a great place, and you can make videos about reviewing a product. If you are trying to run an online business or any business, social media is one of the most important things to consider. Let us talk a little bit about social media.

Your Social Media Accounts

If you are running a business of your own, and you are not using social media accounts for it, you should start using them right now. Believe it or not, social media accounts are one of the most important sources of income for someone who is trying to make money. In social media, not only can you promote a product you are trying to sell, but also you can promote your whole business.

For instance, you have a web page store, and you want to sell a product. You can promote that product on your social media, and that will bring people from your social media to your web page. You can also promote your social media account on your web page, and that way, you will have more customers, and your foundations will be more solid. People can constantly get updates from social media about your business. With social media accounts, you are basically marketing from several places instead of one. The most important thing about it is that they are all connected, and they will all help your overall business.

Provide Motivations for People

Everybody sells products. No matter how hard you want to compete, there is not enough room to compete over prices, and that can come with a huge loss. What you usually want to offer to your customers is something extra when they buy from you. Anything can be an extra reason to make a person buy from you that can be a free ebook, a theme, a course, or even a service.

Discount codes

Something that many people offer during a special occasion that can also help you promote something you want to promote is a discount code. By now, you have probably already seen people saying click the link below or follow this page to get a discount code. What they are doing is that they are giving you an extra reason to buy from them instead of someone else. You can post those discount codes on lots of websites like Myvouchercodes or your social media. People regularly check websites that specify in posting promo and discount codes, so your chances of being seen increases.


Another thing that we are positive will motivate a lot of people to buy something are giveaways. You can start a giveaway and give people who bought more from you more chance of winning at the giveaway. A giveaway can also be anything.

Use Proper Tools for Driving Traffic

We have mentioned that you need to improve your SEO to get more traffic during these critical days. Here are some tools to help you have better insights on your sales.

  • SEMrush

Using SEMrush you can easily optimize the SEO of your landing page and find the best keywords to drive more traffic for such holidays. Here is a complete guide on how to find the best keywords for your Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales using SEMrush.

  • Google Trends

You can also use Google Trends to find the trendy searches for a special time in the year. Here are some of the search queries for last year’s Black Friday, according to Google.

  • LeadPages

Using LeadPages, you can find the best solutions for creating your email list. Without irritating your visitors, LeadPages helps you grow your audience and find more contacts. This guide will help you create the best call-to-actions on your webpages to gain more subscribers for your mail list.


There are a lot of things you can do to sell better during the golden time of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The first important thing is to have more people to know you. You should focus on your SEO and do things such as building quality backlinks, using landing pages, focusing on your keywords, and constantly analyzing things around you. A successful marketer or a business person also uses social media to improve their business.

After gathering enough people, you should be focusing on keeping them interested in what you offer in various ways. Prepare your page and make sure it is something that people can spend their time in. You also should not be taking too many products because the more they are, the harder it will be to control them. With all said, there is still a lot you can do more research on. Now you have a basic idea of what you can do to make your sale go higher than most other people.

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