April 16 0 59

Making $2,000 per Month on YouTube by Posting Horror Movie Reviews

YouTube is a wild place, with tons of people trying to make it big. In this sea of creators, one woman has found her niche by doing something she hates: watching scary movies.

Meet Katherine Fogler, aka "Kat," a former actress from Canada and the mastermind behind the channel "KatWatchesHorrorMovies". Kat has managed to turn her fear of horror films into a very successful business. She has attracted a loyal group of fans and is making a lot of money.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at Kat's Youtube journey. We'll explore how she built her brand, grew her audience, and turned her unique horror movie reaction content into a money-making machine that brings in $2,000 every month.

Katherine Fogler

How "KatWatchesHorrorMovies" was born

Kat's YouTube adventure started in September 2022 with a simple idea: a horror movie hater forcing herself to watch and react to scary films. Her channel's description says it all:

"I'm Kat, and I hate horror movies. They scare the *beep* out of me. LET'S WATCH'EM!"

This honest and relatable approach immediately clicked with viewers who loved Kat's genuine reactions and fun personality.

The idea behind "KatWatchesHorrorMovies" taps into something we can all relate to: the desire to face our fears and overcome them. By sharing her journey of facing her horror movie phobia, Kat creates a shared experience with her audience, inviting them to join her on a quest of personal growth and discovery.

This exciting premise, paired with Kat's likable and expressive on-screen presence, set the stage for her channel's quick rise to success.

Channel growth

In just over a year, "KatWatchesHorrorMovies" has blown up, gaining 57,000 subscribers and 5.3 million views across 159 videos. This rapid growth is impressive, especially considering the niche content and Kat's relatively small social media presence. To put this into perspective, the average YouTube channel takes about 22 months to hit 1,000 subscribers. Kat's ability to smash this milestone so quickly shows just how strong her content is and how engaged her audience is.

One key factor in Kat's success is her consistency. By regularly dropping new videos, she keeps her fans coming back for more. This consistency not only builds viewer loyalty but also tells the YouTube algorithm that her channel is active and growing, leading to more visibility and discoverability.

Turning fear into cash

One of the most impressive things about Kat's YouTube success is how she's managed to make money from her content. As a creator in a niche genre, she's found ways to diversify her income streams and generate serious cash from her channel. Based on estimates, Kat's YouTube earnings alone range from $100 to $2,000 per month, depending on things like ad rates, video views, and audience engagement.

But Kat's money-making strategy goes beyond just YouTube ads. She's successfully used her growing fanbase to create a thriving Patreon community, where supporters can directly fund her in exchange for exclusive content and perks. With 205 patrons across four tiers – $3, $5, $10, and $15 per month – Kat has built a stable and profitable income stream that adds to her YouTube earnings.

The $10 per month tier, listed as her most popular option, likely accounts for over 100 of her patrons, making up a big chunk of her Patreon income. By offering different price points and benefits, Kat caters to the different levels of support and engagement within her fanbase, maximizing her earning potential while giving value to her patrons.

Her Patreon account generates an additional $2,000 - $2,500 to her total monthly income.

Building a community

Beyond the money, one of the most important aspects of Kat's success is her ability to create a strong sense of community among her followers. Through her Patreon perks, like monthly calls and a private Discord server, she actively encourages a feeling of connection and engagement with her audience. This community-building not only strengthens viewer loyalty but also creates a supportive environment that encourages long-term growth and sustainability.

By involving her patrons in her creative process, Kat gives them a sense of ownership and investment in her content. This collaborative approach helps to build trust and loyalty, as fans feel valued and heard. Plus, the private Discord server acts as a hub for like-minded people to connect, chat, and bond over their shared love of Kat's content and the horror genre as a whole.

The power of keeping it real

A big reason for Kat's success is how authentic and relatable her content is. By openly expressing her fear and discomfort while watching horror movies, she creates a shared experience with her viewers, tapping into something we all can understand: the desire to confront and overcome our fears.

Kat's genuine reactions serve as a mirror for her audience, reflecting their own fears and worries about the horror genre. By watching her navigate the twists, turns, and jump scares of these films, viewers can indirectly face their own fears in a safe, controlled environment. This shared experience creates a powerful bond between Kat and her audience, as they feel seen, understood, and supported in their own struggles with fear.

Lessons from Kat's success

Kat's journey from horror movie hater to successful YouTube creator offers valuable insights and lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and content creators. Her success story highlights several key strategies that can be applied across various niches and industries:

1. Find your unique niche: Kat's success shows the power of finding and focusing on a specific niche within a broader market. By zeroing in on her unique perspective as a horror movie hater, she set herself apart from other movie review and reaction channels, attracting a dedicated audience that connected with her content.

2. Consistency is key: Kat's rapid growth can be credited, in part, to her consistent upload schedule. By regularly releasing new content, she keeps her audience engaged and coming back for more, while also signaling to the YouTube algorithm that her channel is active and growing.

3. Engage your audience: Kat's success highlights the importance of creating content that resonates with and engages your target audience. By delivering on the promise of her niche and providing genuine, entertaining reactions, she has built a loyal fanbase that eagerly awaits each new video.

4. Diversify your income streams: Kat's monetization strategy, which includes both YouTube ad revenue and Patreon memberships, demonstrates the value of diversifying income streams. By offering exclusive content and perks to her patrons, she has created a stable and profitable revenue source that complements her YouTube earnings.

5. Build a community: Kat's approach to community-building, through her Patreon perks and engaging content, serves as a model for creators looking to establish a loyal, supportive fanbase. By fostering a sense of connection and engagement with her audience, she has created a strong foundation for long-term growth and success.

6. Keep it real: Kat's authentic reactions and genuine personality are key factors in her content's appeal. By staying true to herself and openly sharing her fears and experiences, she has created a powerful connection with her audience, highlighting the importance of authenticity in building a successful brand.


Katherine Fogler's "KatWatchesHorrorMovies" is an awesome example of how passion, authenticity, and smart thinking can lead to success in today's digital world. By turning her fear of horror movies into a thriving YouTube channel, Kat has shown the power of embracing your unique perspective and using it to build a strong, engaged community.

Through her consistent content creation, genuine reactions, and diverse money-making strategy, Kat has established herself as a rising star in the world of YouTube. Her success offers valuable lessons for aspiring creators and entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of finding your niche, engaging with your audience, diversifying your income streams, and staying true to yourself.

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