October 26, 2023 0 416

The Affiliate Marketer's Guide to Viral TikTok Marketing: Create 100 per Hour with AI

TikTok has taken the world by storm, gaining over 1 billion monthly active users faster than any other social platform. For affiliate marketers, TikTok represents a tremendous new opportunity to drive traffic and sales. However, creating viral TikToks requires major time and effort. Unless you tap into the power of artificial intelligence.

In this article, we are showing you how affiliate marketers are using AI to automate the creation of 100+ high-quality, viral TikTok videos per hour. Plus advanced tactics to maximize affiliate commissions.

Why TikTok Is a Goldmine for Affiliate Marketers

TikTok's powerful algorithm recommends content people didn't even know they wanted. This serves affiliate marketers' video views on a silver platter. The platform also enables hyper-targeting of audiences passionate about your niche.

Once you build authority and trust, you can recommend affiliate products your followers will be excited to buy. The sales will roll in automatically. But gaining traction as an affiliate on TikTok takes tremendous effort. Producing loads of captivating content is important and only AI can make this possible.

How to Use AI to Create 100 TikToks per Hour for Affiliate Marketing

Typically, writing, filming, editing, and posting just one TikTok video takes 2-3 hours or more. Doing this manually at scale is completely unrealistic. With AI, affiliate marketers can create unlimited viral content quickly.

Here is the formula:

Step 1: Find Long-Form Niche Content

Gather long-form content related to your niche from any source - your site, YouTube, podcasts, etc. This content will fuel your AI TikTok machine.

Step 2: Use an AI TikTok Video Generator

Input your long-form content into an AI tool like Qlip.ai

Specify the number and length of TikTok clips you want created.

The AI will automatically cut out the interesting parts and generate 100% original short clips tailored for TikTok.

Step 3: Download and Publish Your Clips

Review the AI-generated clips, downloading the best ones. Tweak the automatically generated text overlays to reflect your brand’s voice and niche keywords. You can then schedule to publish the posts on TikTok. At least 2-3 per day. Don’t forget to add an affiliate link to an offer that’s centered around the niche of your TikTok content.

To find trendy offers, you can use robust affiliate marketing networks like FanFuel which have offers suited for social media promotion and influencer marketing.

That's all it takes to create an endless stream of TikTok content!

Advanced Affiliate Marketing Tactics for TikTok

Producing troves of viral content is just the beginning. Adding these affiliate marketing tactics will maximize your TikTok income:

Target money-making niches: Choose niches with expensive products like tech gadgets, software, travel, and more. The commissions will be larger.

Share affiliate links: Link to affiliated products in your TikTok captions and profile. Create dedicated promotional videos showcasing the affiliate offers you are promoting.

Note: Don’t use the phrase “Click the link in my bio” at the end of your videos. TikTok automatically detects that. It considers your video to be a promotional video, and won't show it to many users.

Use TikTok live streams: Use TikTok Livestreams to show people the offer or what they should expect to get. For example, if you are promoting a gambling offer, you can create a live stream of you playing some slots and then ask the live stream viewers to click the link on your profile so that they can also play and win.

Run lead-gen TikTok ads: Advertise lead magnets like free reports, webinars, and consultations. Capture emails to build your list.

Repurpose the content for other social channels: Repurpose your top TikTok affiliate videos across Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and more platforms to increase your reach.

Build an email list: Having an owned audience is crucial for affiliate marketing success. Turn TikTok followers into email subscribers. To do this you can simply promote a free lead magnet like a pdf file at the end of your videos, put the link on your TikTok bio, and use popular newsletter platforms like Substack or Beehiiv to collect emails and run your email marketing campaigns.

Why This Massive Opportunity Won't Last

We're still early in using AI for TikTok marketing. However, this advantage will diminish over time as more affiliate marketers adopt artificial intelligence.

That's why now is the critical time to establish yourself on TikTok. Build an audience of engaged followers. Thanks to AI's help, you can churn out content and grow your following faster than ever before. Claim your turf before the competition crowds in.

Conclusion: Start Monetizing TikTok Today

TikTok presents a tremendous opportunity for affiliate marketers right now. Producing engaging videos — the key to success — can be fully automated with artificial intelligence.

Now you have the blueprint to leverage AI for limitless viral content. Combine this with affiliate marketing strategies to maximize income. The time to act is now. Use this guide to start growing your TikTok affiliate empire today!

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