20+ Best Basketball Affiliate Programs and Networks [2024]

Basketball has existed for a long time now, and there’s no way the love and passion for basketball will ever die. This is one of the everlasting niches that are super related to other sports affiliate programs and provides a great way for affiliates to earn money by promoting these products to the audience that is interested. Remember that you are not limited to only people who are interested in basketball, but all types of sports.

There’s nobody who has never wondered about basketball, touched the ball, or played it for a few minutes. Therefore, it’s one of the most universal sports. However, you might be able to find your audience among Americans mostly.

Since this is such a great niche, we’ve decided to explore the affiliate offers in this niche in this article, give you some insight into how they work, how you can promote them, what the top traffic sources for this niche are, and how you can choose one to get started with. So without further ado, let’s get right into it.

What Are Basketball Affiliate Programs and How Do They Work

Basketball affiliate programs are mostly businesses that produce basketball products and need affiliates to promote the products for them to get the traffic they need to find customers. As an affiliate, you can review the products they sell, introduce them to your audience, and enjoy the reward that they give back to you for promoting them. This is working to be different based on different types of products, we will explore the payment models in a later section.

For now, all you need to know is that to promote basketball affiliate programs, you need to be familiar with basketball in the first place. Also, know that your audience is mostly made up of young males. So when promoting these offers, pay attention to that.

What Types of Products Can You Promote

The various products and services you can promote his niche. Here’s a list of the most common ones.

  1. Basketballs: Basketballs are the most critical equipment for playing basketball. They come in different sizes and materials, ranging from rubber to leather.
  2. Basketball Shoes: Basketball shoes provide ankle support, stability, and traction to enhance the player's performance on the court.
  3. Basketball Clothing and Apparel: Basketball clothing and apparel come in different styles and designs. They include jerseys, shorts, socks, headbands, wristbands, etc.
  4. Training Equipment: Training equipment like cones, agility ladders, resistance bands, and jump ropes are used to develop basketball skills like speed, agility, and endurance.
  5. Basketball Training Programs: Basketball training programs provide comprehensive training on the various aspects of basketball, including dribbling, shooting, defense, and rebounding.
  6. Basketball Coaching: Basketball coaching services offer personalized coaching to players or teams to improve their skills and performance.
  7. Basketball Camps: Basketball camps are intensive training programs that provide players with the opportunity to learn from experienced coaches and play against other players.
  8. Basketball Court Equipment: Basketball court equipment includes basketball hoops, nets, backboards, and padding to ensure player safety.
  9. Basketball Analytics: Basketball analytics involves the use of data to analyze player and team performance and provide insights that can improve decision-making in sports betting.
  10. Sports Nutrition: Sports nutrition products like protein powders, energy bars, and supplements are used to improve performance and aid in recovery.
  11. Sports Medicine: Sports medicine products and services include injury prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.
  12. Basketball Books and DVDs: Basketball books and DVDs provide valuable insights into the game, including strategies, techniques, and player analysis.
  13. Basketball Accessories: Basketball accessories include items like water bottles, towels, and backpacks that are essential for players during games or training.
  14. Basketball Tickets and Merchandise: Affiliates can also promote basketball tickets and merchandise like team jerseys, hats, and souvenirs.
  15. Basketball Gaming: Basketball gaming involves video games that simulate the basketball experience, providing players with a fun way to engage with the sport.

Payment Models in Basketball Affiliate Programs

There are various payment models available in basketball affiliate programs. This is because there are lots of different types of products to sell as well. Let's check out some of these models.

Revenue Share

The first and most common payment model in basketball affiliate programs has got to be the revenue share model. The revenue share model refers to the percentage of the value of the product your referrals successfully purchase from the program. In this model, the higher the value of the product, the higher your chances of making money. For example, if the product value is $500, and the commission rate is 10%, then you will be making $50 only from one purchase. Therefore, it's important for you to choose the programs with the highest average order values.

Cost per Lead (CPL)

The cost per lead model mostly refers to the fixed rate you will get every time you refer a lead to the affiliate program. This lead can be determined by the program but mostly includes signing up, entering payment information, starting a free trial, and every other type of action that doesn't necessarily lead to the person giving the program any money. Along with the cost per action model, this model is mostly for programs that don't have a physical product, but only have fixed-price services or products you can promote.

Cost per Sale (CPS)

The cost per sale model refers to the type of program that pays you every time somebody purchases a product successfully. The difference with revenue share here is that you won't get a percentage of the value of the product, but a flat rate per purchase. Therefore, you can mostly see this model in programs that have one or two products with a fixed price.

Cost per Action (CPA)

The cost per action model is very similar to the cost per lead model, with the difference that this action does not necessarily have to have anything with becoming a lead. For example, the program might just ask for the users to sign up, download something, etc.

What to Consider When Choosing a Basketball Affiliate Program

Before choosing an affiliate program in the basketball niche, it is crucial to conduct a thorough analysis of various factors that can impact your success. Instead of wasting your time on ineffective programs, focus on those that offer high commissions, quality products, and strong market demand. By paying attention to these key factors, you can improve your chances of generating a significant return on investment.

Your Familiarity with the Products

It's essential to avoid promoting any product you're not familiar with. You should have at least some experience with the product or a similar one. If you don't, it's crucial to research it before promoting it. You can read reviews online or watch videos on YouTube or other similar platforms. Promoting a product without knowing enough about it can cause a loss of trust from your audience, which can be detrimental to your success as an affiliate. Therefore, always ensure that you're familiar with the product you're promoting to maintain the trust of your audience and excel as an affiliate.

Commission Rate

When selecting an affiliate program, the Commission rate is an important factor to consider. Generally, the higher the Commission rate, the more money you can make. However, this is not always the case. The average order value is another significant factor to consider, as it directly impacts the amount of money you can earn through the revenue share model and Commission. For example, if the average order value is $10, even a 90% Commission rate will not generate much income. However, if the average order value is $1,000 and you earn only a 10% Commission rate, you will still make $100. Therefore, it is crucial to consider both the Commission rate and average order value when selecting an affiliate program to ensure maximum earnings.

Brand Recognition

When considering partnering with a brand, it is important to assess its credibility and reputation. Promoting a poorly reviewed brand can negatively impact customer satisfaction and reflect poorly on you as an affiliate. To determine a brand's credibility, research unbiased websites, forums, and affiliate programs for feedback and experiences. By analyzing the reviews, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to work with the brand. It is important to prioritize quality to ensure customer satisfaction and avoid being blamed for unsatisfactory experiences. Additionally, consider the brand's values and how they align with your own to ensure a mutually beneficial partnership. Remember, a strong and credible brand can enhance your reputation and increase your earnings as an affiliate.

Cookie Duration

Cookie duration is a crucial aspect of promoting an offer. It is a tracking mechanism that records a visitor's activity on a website. It defines the period for which the program tracks the activity of a specific user on the website. If an affiliate program has a cookie duration of 30 days, and a user visits once and then again 20 days later, any purchase made in the second visit will count towards the commission. Thus, the longer the cookie duration, the higher the chances of earning a commission.

Most affiliate programs have a cookie duration of 30 days, but it can be longer, like 365 days, lifetime, or shorter like a week or even one day. It is important to note that some programs don't have cookie tracking at all. Affiliates should choose a program with a cookie duration that aligns with their marketing strategy and type of audience. However, affiliates should not solely rely on the cookie duration and should focus on providing valuable content to their audience to ensure they keep coming back to the website.

Payment Frequency

It's important to choose programs that pay out commissions on a regular basis. Waiting three months for payment can be frustrating, especially if you're relying on that income. Most affiliate programs these days pay out monthly, but it's possible to come across programs that pay out less frequently, like every two or three months. In some cases, programs may even pay out every six months, which isn't ideal. This is usually due to policies around customer returns and warranties. Before signing up for an affiliate program, it's important to read the terms and conditions carefully and ensure that the payment frequency works for you.

Minimum Payout

Affiliate programs may require you to meet a certain balance before paying you. Often, this minimum payout threshold is set at $50. However, there are programs available that do not require a minimum payout threshold, allowing you to cash out your earnings immediately. It's important to note that some programs may charge a fee for early withdrawals or payments made below the minimum threshold. Therefore, it's advisable to check the program's terms and conditions before signing up. Additionally, it's worth considering the payment methods available, as some programs may only offer payment through specific platforms or in certain currencies.

Affiliate Trackers

Affiliate trackers are tools provided by affiliate programs that give you valuable data and statistics about your visitors' performance on the program. If the program operates on a network, you can access an affiliate tracker on your dashboard. This tool allows you to track clicks, signups, commissions, sales, bonuses, and other performance metrics. With this information, you can analyze your marketing efforts and optimize your campaigns to improve results. Additionally, some advanced affiliate trackers may offer features such as heatmaps, A/B testing, and conversion rate optimization. By leveraging these tools, affiliates can maximize their earnings and achieve long-term success in affiliate marketing.

Marketing Assets and Resources

Affiliate programs offer a variety of resources, including logos, banner ads, text links, pre-written content, visuals, imagery, icons, and even ready-made landing pages and websites. These resources can help affiliates to promote products more effectively and generate more income. However, not all affiliate programs provide these resources, or may only offer a limited selection. For affiliates who rely on visual content to showcase products, it's particularly important to choose a program that offers high-quality images. Some affiliate programs even offer product samples to affiliates, allowing them to test and review products in order to create more engaging content for their audiences.

It's worth noting that while affiliate programs can be a lucrative way to earn money, they also have the potential to negatively impact a blogger's reputation if they promote low-quality or irrelevant products. As such, it's important to choose affiliate programs carefully and only promote products that align with the blogger's values and interests. Additionally, affiliates should be transparent with their audiences about their use of affiliate links and the potential for compensation, in order to maintain trust and credibility.

Affiliate Support

If you're new to affiliate marketing or need some guidance in starting, it's important to look for programs that offer active and accessible affiliate support through chat or email. Many programs offer great support, often with a dedicated affiliate manager who can provide tips on increasing income and regular newsletters about new products and promotions. However, it's always a good idea to check with peers on an affiliate forum to see if the support is reliable. Additionally, some programs offer exclusive discounts, bonuses, or other perks for their affiliates, so it's worth checking if any programs you're interested in have these benefits.

Application Process Time

When choosing an affiliate program, it's important to consider the application processing time. Some programs take weeks to review your application, while others grant immediate access to their affiliate area. If you're looking to get started quickly, opt for programs with shorter processing times. Waiting for a long time to hear back can be frustrating, especially if you're eager to start earning a commission. Additionally, it's important to note that some programs have stricter acceptance criteria than others. Be sure to read program requirements carefully before applying to avoid wasting time on programs for which you may not be a good fit. By doing your research and selecting programs with efficient application processes, you can get started on your affiliate marketing journey without delay.

Performance-based Bonuses

Affiliate programs offer rewards and bonuses to their most successful affiliates, who refer a lot of sales. When you reach a certain level of sales, you might get a bigger commission or a special bonus. Some of the affiliate programs we recommend even have special bonuses for top performers. So if you're interested in earning extra rewards for your hard work, keep an eye out for these types of programs on our list.

Promotions and Discount Codes

If you're an affiliate and you want to offer your audience a special deal or discount, look for affiliate programs that provide custom discount codes. Many programs offer this feature and can help you create a discount code that's unique to your audience. Some programs offer discounts for special events or promotions to all of their affiliates. However, keep in mind that not all programs offer discount codes, so be sure to search for ones that do if this is important to you. By using a discount code, your audience can save money on their purchases and you can earn a commission on the sale. It's a win-win situation.

Top Traffic Sources for Basketball Offers

Now that you know what basketball affiliate programs are, and how you can choose one, let’s see the top traffic sources for promoting these offers.

Social Media

The first and most important source of traffic for you to promote basketball, if the programs should be social media. On social media, like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok, you can see lots of basketball-related Content.

This is just like many other forms of sports. Of course, your audience mainly consists of young people, so you probably won’t find many of them searching on Google for what they need. Still, it helps to have a website or blog where you share your honest opinion about certain products, and have people referred to there.

You won’t necessarily need to have a website, and you can simply include a link tree page where they can find links to all the products you’re promoting. Just make sure you do it in a natural way and that people actually want the links to the products you’re promoting.

On these short form, Content platforms, make sure that your videos are not too promotional. There are lots of people on social media buying things, but that doesn’t mean that they will just give them to any sort of content that is mainly promotional and does not have any other value. So, if you’re promoting something, make sure to show some sort of first-hand experience. If you’re promoting a certain cleat, make sure you’re showing them on camera or explaining the benefits to people. Then you can convince them to purchase it easily.

Website Content

If you’re hoping to write website content, it’s important to have several types of articles on it. The articles you write can be product reviews, comparison articles, list articles, and even guides. Of course, you can teach different things about basketball on your site and have different types of content related to other sports so if people like your content in general and other sports, they can refer to those other sorts of articles and even purchase products from another niche on your website.

Make sure you incorporate the keywords you find from keyword research in your content as well. In the later sections, will talk about keyword research and writing a product review in detail. For now, you need to know that a website is good for various purposes in this niche.

The first one is to hook people in and get their email addresses for purposes like email marketing. Whether you have a deal or promotion, having emails from your readers can help you send them promotional content, and even useful content from your block, every once in a while to keep them in the loop.

Another benefit is that you get to show them the latest deals and discount codes from your affiliate programs right when they open the website up in a sort of pop-up, or pre-landing page. On these pages, you can simply put the discount offer with a link to the product that has an offer. This usually incentivizes people to immediately grab that discount. Most people won’t shop, unless something is on a discount, because that gives them a fear of missing out. You can achieve this by adding a limited-time offer on your side as well. Just remember not to over-promote for an affiliate program, because that might make it seem like your affiliate identity is all about that brand, which should not be true.

On your website, make sure to target local potential customers as well. You can simply do this by targeting certain keywords like the name of the place you’re promoting. Also, remember that since most of your audience is going to be based in the US, you need to appeal to that type of audience. You can be from anywhere, but make sure you make your audience specifically for this region.

Paid Ads

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time, getting the traffic, unique through various different ways, paid ads on social media might be the best way to go. Just remember that before you actually go for posting the ads, you should learn about the strategies for controlling the budget, creating successful, Creatives, etc. Ad spy tools are the best way to do it, so make sure to check them out.


Last but not least, forms are great places to drive traffic to your content. Remember that you can’t actually direct links to your associate offers, because that would be considered spam. Platforms like Reddit are great places for you to have conversations about basketball-related products. If you’ve written an article on your website about certain basketball products in question on a forum, that would be a great opportunity for you to answer with all your knowledge, and include links to the product as well. Not only will people support them, but they might also purchase the products if they like them. Just make sure you read the rules of the subreddit or forum to prevent getting banned.

Tips to Promote Basketball Affiliate Offers Successfully

Now that you know the top traffic sources for basketball affiliate offers, let’s see some of the top tips and tricks you can use to become more successful.

Keyword Targeting

We talked about keywords before. We want to mention that generalized keywords like “best basketball shoes” are not the best way to start as a beginner affiliate. You might want to start with more detailed, key phrases. For example, the long tail keyword “best basketball shoes for white feet in 2023” might be a better clarity, because it shows exactly the products users are looking for with a shopping intent.

Based on that, here are some keywords you can try in the basketball niche.

  1. Best basketball shoes for point guards
  2. Top-rated basketball hoops for outdoor use
  3. Affordable basketballs for kids under 12
  4. Best basketball training aid
  5. High-quality basketball gear for women
  6. Durable basketball bags for frequent travel
  7. Best basketball nets for backyard courts
  8. Top-rated basketball rebounders for solo practice
  9. Best basketball shooting sleeves
  10. Quality basketball compression shorts for men

Just keep in mind that these are example keywords, and you should not use them right away. So make sure you do extensive keyword research through tools like Google Keyword Planner. Plus, you can simply go on Google, enter any type of product you have in mind, and let Google’s predictive search complete the search bar for you and give you some suggestions for things people search for a lot.


There’s lots of news on a daily basis in the basketball world, so that provides a great opportunity for you to post news articles on your blog and get lots of attention. Of course, if you write about the same common keywords, you might not have a great chance of getting the traffic you need. However, if you write about the latest trends, news, or upcoming matches, you will be able to Search on the first page of Google, search results for a limited time.

You can also target certain hashtags and make videos about them on TikTok or Instagram. These types of videos usually get a lot of use because they provide people with the latest news and updates on a certain topic. In this case, which is basketball, not a lot of people are usually talking about the news outside of the very small community, so if you want to get more audience, you need to go a bit bigger. That is if you want to make video content anyway. Even if you don’t want to necessarily talk about that certain news, using the latest hashtags in whatever offer you have, can give you some publicity on social media as well.

Review Products

Here are some tips and tricks for you to write a killer product review they can place on your affiliate site and encourage people to purchase a product you're promoting.

  1. Understand your audience: Before writing a review, it's important to know who you're writing for and what their needs are. Identify what problems they're trying to solve and what features they're looking for in a product. This will help you write a targeted review that speaks directly to your readers.
  2. Use the product: To write an authentic and effective review, you need to have experience with the product. Use it yourself or do extensive research to gain knowledge about its features and performance.
  3. Be honest: Honesty is key when writing a review. Highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of the product. This builds trust with your readers and helps them make informed decisions.
  4. Highlight pros and cons: Describe the unique features and benefits of the product, but also compare it to similar products on the market. By doing so, you give readers an idea of how it stacks up against the competition.
  5. Use visuals: High-quality visuals like images and videos can be a powerful tool in showcasing the product's design and functionality. Including them in your review can help increase conversions and make your review more engaging.
  6. Include a call-to-action: Encouraging readers to take action is important if you want to convert them into customers. Use clear and straightforward CTAs such as "Buy" or "Get a discount" to make it easy for readers to take the next step.
  7. Format well: Organize your review with headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. This makes it easy to skim and understand, especially for longer reviews and helps readers quickly find the information they're looking for.

Focus on SEO

We’ve mentioned before that it’s important for you to incorporate certain keywords in your content. You should evenly use the long tail keywords in your content, images of descriptions, etc. Without proper search engine optimization practices, even the best types of content won’t land on the search results. So make sure you study these rules and follow them properly.

Engage with Your Community

It’s important for you to engage with your community on whatever platform you are. Make sure to ask people for their opinions, constantly answer a few of their comments, and learn what they want from you to promote. Providing your audience with deals and discount codes on the products they are most eager for is the best way to do affiliate marketing because the customers are already convinced to purchase a product.


The programs provide a great way for affiliates to earn a lot of money from an audience that is interested in sports. There are different types of products and services you can promote in this niche as well. Just make sure you use the tips and tricks shared with you in this article to get started with promoting these products. If you want, you can also check the affiliate programs and affiliate networks to find the best offers for your audience.

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