March 04, 2024 0 1021

"Making $2 000+ from a Single Page, If You Try Hard Enough" — Who Are Sexters, and Why do OnlyFans Models Keep It a Secret?

Recently, we discussed how AI models are conquering the adult niche and how a beautiful image might hide a bald, bearded web beneath it. But what about real models? Let's disappoint you right away; the situation is pretty much the same.

Even if there's a hot girl on an OnlyFans photo, in reality, the one chatting with you is often not her but the same bald and bearded person. But this time it’s not a webmaster, it’s a sexter.

Today, we'll delve into the world of adult entertainment and discuss the role of sexters — who they are, what they do, why their presence is essential, and where they stand in the hierarchy of the adult industry. Our experts, with firsthand knowledge of the profession, will provide valuable insights.

Explore additional engaging articles on generating income within the adult industry and overall money-making strategies in our Telegram channel.

"Members don't realize that they are chatting with a sexter because in the member's eyes, the sexter is the model," says Victoria, a sexter on OnlyFans, team leader, and experienced adult worker.

Hi! Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you enter the adult industry? What attracted you to this niche?

Hello! My name is Vika. I entered the adult industry about 3 years ago after hearing about sexters from a fellow student. I liked that here you can reach a good income level in a short period.

Who exactly are sexters, and what's their role? What tasks fall under their responsibilities? How do they distinguish themselves from chat operators? Can we liken sexters to salespeople in the adult industry?

A sexter or chatter is someone involved in managing chats and serves as the last step in the sales process. Essentially, they handle incoming traffic, engage in communication, sell content, and create the illusion that they are the model interacting directly with the members.

On OnlyFans, our operator/sexter/chatter are all synonymous. A sexter is a salesperson who plays a crucial role in the successful development of an adult business, especially concerning OnlyFans.

Why do we need sexters if the model can communicate with members herself?

Many models work solo. However, eventually, they all face the fact that they have less time for their lives: they need to drive traffic, manage social media, find places to buy new ads, create content, and communicate with members. All of this takes a lot of time and resources. Moreover, a model is alone, while there can be three or four sexters on her page at once. Each works in shifts of 6-8 hours.

Do sexters focus on building an audience, or do they exclusively operate within chats with already engaged clients?

Sexters are exclusively involved in working with chats and incoming traffic.

Can sexters work directly with the model or only through an agency? What is the fundamental difference? What is easier, and why?

A sexter can work both directly with the model and through an agency. The difference is that an agency is essentially a team that knows exactly what to do and acts quickly and efficiently according to instructions: they launch traffic and direct their sexters to specific profiles.

If a model has her traffic or wants to be its source, I think such a model only needs sexters. But finding such models and an OnlyFans page with a large amount of traffic is quite challenging. Even with my vast experience, I've been looking for something cool for quite a while.

Is the interview process at agencies difficult to navigate? What kind of questions are typically asked during interviews? What qualities are employers looking for? How can a sexter determine if an agency is trustworthy?

The interview is straightforward for those with experience. However, the challenge lies in the fact that many agencies operate with questionable practices and an autocratic approach. For a reputable employer, the key factors are experience and the ability to collaborate with the team, including other sexters.

How to understand that the agency won't scam you:

  1. Look at the quality of the ad you're responding to;
  2. Pay attention to the adequacy and quality of the questions asked by the person interviewing you.

Also, there's a new trend in our field — asking for a selfie with a passport during employment. Supposedly, it reduces the scam percentage, although most likely, you will teach scammers to use drop services and fake information.

What skills does a sexter need, and how crucial is proficiency in the English language?

English is one of the most critical skills because a sexter communicates only in English. The level should be high so that the sexter can build a realistic and lively dialogue with the member.

What has a more significant impact on sales: sexter's skills or the model and her content?

The most significant impact on sales comes from the quality of traffic. Its quality stems from the content's quality and the quality of managing social media. Then comes the quality of handling members. With a warmed-up member, even a sexter with a week of experience can earn $3.

Do members understand that they are talking to a sexter, not the model? How do they react to this?

Members don't understand that they are talking to a sexter because, in the member's eyes, the sexter is the model. The sexter must behave like a model, copy her communication style, and stick to the legend. The model's legend includes her age, where she's from, her height, her favorite color, etc.

There are types of members who always doubt that the model is real. For example, they may ask to take a photo with a piece of paper or some other nonsense that the "model" won't do.

Does a sexter interact with all members or selectively chooses whom to engage with? How can a sexter identify members willing to pay for content and avoid spending time on freeloaders? Are there any warning signs to watch out for?

The sexter decides who to interact with, although members often initiate conversations on their own.

To identify freeloaders, a sexter can check by attempting to sell them something. If the member avoids or doesn't make a purchase despite a realistic sales approach, it's a clear indication of freeloaders.

There are red flags. For example, if a member doesn't read what you write to them and continues talking about themselves. Or constantly wants to get something for free.

What leads to banning members? How often does it happen?

They restrict access for freeloaders, irrational individuals, or those who initiate chargebacks. From my experience, banning someone is infrequent, but it primarily involves freeloaders.

What is the working schedule of a sexter?

The schedule is discussed before employment. For example, the schedule could be 5/2, shifts of 6-12 hours, or 6/1 with 8-14 hour shifts.

Is the turnover significant in this niche? Is it challenging to become a sexter?

Currently, there's a lot of movement in the industry. Numerous new agencies and sexters are entering the scene. Becoming a proficient sexter is difficult now, similar to discovering a quality page with favorable conditions.

How much can a sexter earn?

A sexter's earnings depend on the conditions they are in. A good, experienced sexter can earn decently if they are lucky to find something at their experience level. You can make $2000+ from a single page if you try hard.

Can ChatGPT replace a sexter? Has it ever happened that savvy individuals worked shifts using AI tools?

There is currently no chatbot on the market that can replace a sexter. But in the future, it might be possible if an AI tool is trained on thousands of dialogues of a good sexter with many possible scenarios.

How are sexters distributed among models? For example, does one sexter work only with one model, or can they communicate with different models? Can one model have several sexters on her account simultaneously?

Most often, the sexter chooses who to work with.

Can it be said that this is an easy way to earn money? What are the difficulties? What are the pitfalls?

It is an easy way to earn money if you have good English and enjoy developing, improving, and critically evaluating your actions. If someone comes here only for the sake of making money without these qualities, it won't work.

Can you recall the funniest and scariest cases from your practice?

The scariest case was when a member was stalking the model and even took a photo of her from behind. It happened once, but everything was fine at the end.

There are many funny moments, mostly related to the member's fetishes. For example, when he wants the model to crush him with her big foot.

Any advice for those who would like to try themselves in this niche?

Sign up for English lessons. And find a knowledgeable and experienced mentor; they will help.

"The entire journey from job search to starting a shift took less than a day," says Alexey, a sexter on OnlyFans and the author of the Telegram channel "In the world of OnlyFans."

Hello! Tell us a bit about yourself. What do you do?

Hello! My name is Alexey, I'm 21 years old, and I'm a third-year journalism student.

How did you enter the adult industry? When was it, and what attracted you to this niche?

I entered the adult industry in early January 2024. Before that, I knew about platforms like OnlyFans and webcam sites where men and women sell content. I learned about the sexter profession from an acquaintance, got interested, but it took me a while to try it.

After the New Year, I decided I needed to start something. I went to Google, typed in "job vacancies on OnlyFans," and on one of the forums, I wrote to administrators and HR managers. That's how I joined my first agency. The entire journey from job search to starting a shift took less than a day.

The adult niche attracts me because you get to communicate with a large number of people, there's teamwork involved, and, of course, the earnings. Good earnings in the future are always great, especially when it depends on you.

Who exactly are sexters, and what's their role? What tasks fall under their responsibilities? How do they distinguish themselves from chat operators? Can we liken sexters to salespeople in the adult industry?

A sexter is a person who communicates on behalf of the model with fans. However, it varies. For example, in agencies, responsibilities may include managerial duties, from creating posts to creating the model's image, especially if you work directly with a beginner model who needs assistance.

A chat operator usually answers questions based on templates, and their task is simply to provide an answer. The sexter's task is to provide interaction to the member and earn from it.

Why are sexters needed if the model can communicate with members herself?

Physically, a model cannot communicate with fans all day. This is why sexters are needed. When the profile is working 24/7, with a team of sexters, it significantly influences page promotion and increases the model's earnings.

Do sexters focus on building an audience, or do they exclusively operate within chats with already engaged clients?

Sexters do not engage in attracting the audience as such. Specialized people deal with traffic. Traffic usually comes to the profile from Reddit, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube. Sexters simply process the traffic, and interact with new clients and new fans.

Traffic can be different: consisting of paying fans and general traffic. There may be 100 people in a shift, but these 100 people can be students, residents of African countries – not the most financially stable audience.

Therefore, sexters engage not in audience attraction but in audience engagement.

Can sexters work directly with the model, or only through an agency? What is the fundamental difference? Which is easier to work with, and why? Where can you earn more?

Essentially, an agency deals with the complete promotion of the model and gets a percentage for it. The model receives about 20% of the turnover, and the rest goes to the agency, distributed among the employees. Sexters get 20-25% from sales, sometimes 18%, but the base is 20%.

There have been many cases where low-quality agencies simply ruined the pages for models. For example, a model's check used to be around $5 000 per month. Then they were invited to an agency or came themselves under the pretext that there would be more revenue. However due to the agency's and sexters' low-quality work, regulars started leaving, and revenue dropped.

A sexter can work directly with the model, and it is much more convenient. The advantages include quick and timely communication with the model. In an agency, only managers and admins communicate with the model. This leads to delays in fulfilling customs and requests. If you communicate directly, the model can create videos, live photos during your shift. More ideas for implementing content and earning emerge.

Another advantage of working directly with the model is the percentage received. At the same time, the agency deals with traffic and advertising. But this can also be done independently if you know how to do it.

Is it difficult to pass an interview in an agency? What questions are asked in interviews? What is important for the employer?

Passing an interview is not difficult. Questions are basic, ranging from "how much free time do you have in a day" to "have you had experience in sales or the adult industry" and so on.

For the employer, motivation is important, as well as skills in psychology, sexology, to be open to everything new. In the adult industry, topics are diverse, and for some, this job may contradict their moral principles.

How can a sexter understand if an agency is reliable? Does scam happen? How do agencies differ from each other? What nuances are there in working with agencies?

There is no such thing as a scam in agencies, at least I haven't come across it.

There are many agencies, and each agency has only active profiles where traffic is directed, as they say. So, if you work on such a profile for two weeks without a break, in the end, you'll earn just peanuts. I worked for two weeks in an agency on a new profile. I spent all my night shifts just chatting with fans, but the traffic was low-quality — only non-paying guys. In the end, after 12 shifts of 8 hours each and 2 shifts of 10 hours, I earned only $95.

There are different agencies. Some have a policy of "just sell, even for $5." They want to extract every penny from fans. There are agencies that are more lenient. They work more with traffic, purchasing higher-quality traffic.

The easiest way to understand if an agency is good is when they add you to a chat, talk to newcomers, check chats where sexters report their balances after each shift. If you see that the sums do not exceed $80, it's a sign that something is wrong.

It's worth mentioning that agencies have good psychologists who know how to sweet-talk you, promising that you will earn wonderfully, over $1000, as long as you work. Some agencies have penalty systems. Currently, most adult agencies in the market are Ukrainian. I'm from Russia, and for 60% of job listings, I'm not even considered.

What skills does a sexter need, and how crucial is proficiency in the English language?

Skills in psychology and sales are essential for a sexter. These are the two main qualities that will give you good earnings and prospects in this field. Resilience to stress is also important because people can be different, and they may write all sorts of things. You need to treat the job as a job, understanding that you are simply selling a product.

Most adult models on the platform are from Ukraine. Fans are aware of this, so they are lenient about English language errors. English is a plus, an additional skill for finding a good place.

I have a C1 level, and I still often work through a translator. But knowing some common slang terms is only a plus. You may not use them yourself, but you will understand what fans are writing.

What has a greater impact on sales: the skills of the sexter or the model and her content?

Quality traffic has an impact on sales. The sexter also plays a significant role.

Regarding content, there are different fans with different fetishes. For example, a fan may be willing to pay good money for specific content, but the model has taboos and doesn't create such content. The fan leaves, and you are left with nothing. So, content does have an impact.

The vision of the profile and the amount of content also matter. There are cases when agencies have old profiles, but no new content is added. Therefore, you cannot offer anything to regulars because they have already purchased all the content.

Do members understand that they are not talking to the model? How do they react to this? Have there been funny situations related to this?

I haven't encountered a single member who guessed that they were not talking to the model.

There have been amusing situations when several sexters work on one profile 24/7, and you don't have the opportunity to communicate with each of them to create a common image. After all, everyone has a different communication style.

For instance, in my recent shift, I had a conversation with a fan, affectionately using terms like "darling" and "sweetie." Later, a new sexter joined who referred to the fan as "baby." The member pointed out that he hadn't been addressed that way before, sparking immediate curiosity and questions.

Does a sexter interact with all members or selectively chooses whom to engage with? How can a sexter identify members willing to pay for content and avoid spending time on freeloaders? Are there any warning signs to watch out for?

You need to communicate with everyone if there is traffic; you need to message each one. Priorities are established. For example, if you see that one person is willing to pay more, and another doesn't pay at all, you will choose the first.

Identifying freeloaders requires special skills for sexters. In short, they just ask questions like: "how old are you?" "Where are you from?" (to understand if they are from a financially stable country), "what do you do or study?" Students, as a rule, are freeloaders. They have no money. But I had a student who left money on the profile, so it's not a strict rule.

Much also depends on the platform you are on. For example, I always ask members: "How do you support models here?" If he answers that he sends explicit photos and expects explicit content in return — everything becomes clear.

Why do members get banned? How often does this happen?

Members are banned for using words that are prohibited on the platform. This happens extremely rarely.

What is the work schedule for a sexter? What does it depend on? Is it more of a night job? What about weekends and holidays?

Typically, sexters have the flexibility to pick their working hours. There are four shifts available: morning, day, evening, and night, each spanning 8-10 hours. Personally, I prefer the night shift for its convenience. The schedule accommodates weekends, and holidays are factored in without any problems.

How much can one earn per shift?

I usually share how much I earned per shift in my Telegram channel. For example, here are the results for February 12th and 14th.

Is there a high turnover in the niche? Is it difficult to become a sexter?

There is turnover in low-quality agencies where sexters are viewed as a resource to extract money. It's awful because you won't earn anything in such agencies, and you can't expect good treatment there.

Becoming a sexter is not difficult. If you are an open person, communicate with everyone, have a lot of free time, and are ready to develop and learn, it's achievable. You need to understand that it all depends on your skills and whether you are developing them.

Can ChatGPT replace a sexter? Have there been cases where enthusiasts worked shifts through AI tools?

ChatGPT can only assist, but not replace – that's 100%. I've worked with AI tools, and it served more as a supplement to sexting.

How are sexters distributed among models? For example, does one sexter work only with one model, or can they communicate on behalf of different models? Or can one model's account have several sexters at once?

Sexters without experience or with little experience are assigned to new profiles. Career growth exists but happens after the sexter gains experience and collects cases. Agencies often ask for cases to understand if you have experience.

A sexter can work with multiple profiles. This is already at the discretion of the agency if they are part of one. There can be an unlimited number of people on one account.

Can it be said that this is an easy way to earn money? What are the challenges? Are there any pitfalls?

I wouldn't say it's an easy way to earn money because it's a job, and every job is challenging in its own way. You constantly have to come up with something new, be a psychologist, a sexologist. It takes time and effort. Plus, you work almost every day for 8-10 hours.

Difficulties may arise from burnout: when there are no new ideas, and you don't know what kind of newsletter to create to attract fans. It's entirely normal, and everyone faces it.

A couple of tips for those who would like to try themselves in this niche.

Don't buy training for more than 50 dollars from top sexters. Filter job listings carefully. Know your worth, don't work for pennies. If you see that you are treated poorly, confidently leave. Because there are genuinely good agencies that will only help you earn and develop your skills.

In conclusion

Being a sexter is not just about chatting. It's about a special approach to the client, subtle psychology, and sales skills. The more advanced the sexter's skills, the higher the English level — the greater the chance of joining popular profiles and earning from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

All of our experts agree that this profession is far from easy. It entails working 8-10 hours daily, interacting with diverse individuals, maintaining a specific persona, and consistently endorsing paid offerings. You can either collaborate directly with the model or opt for an agency. Joining an agency is a swift process, but selecting the right one demands careful consideration.

Hence, folks, within the adult industry, there are avenues for earning beyond affiliate marketing. Now you know who handles the traffic you send and who answers at night in OnlyFans chats.

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