August 24, 2023 0 593

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing with ChatGPT For Beginners

Today, we want to show you the easiest way to make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing using ChatGPT according to Anastasia Gutnikova, a full-time blogger, online entrepreneur, and Pinterest marketing strategist. She says that this Pinterest strategy only requires 10 to 15 minutes a day and could make passive income that's over $1 000 per month!

Anastasia Gutnikova

“You won't believe how easy it is, and it only takes 10 to 15 minutes a day!”,  says Anastasia Gutnikova

Proof of the Revenue

Here is my affiliate dashboard on Impact, one of the Marketplaces I use to work with dozens of products and get my affiliate links there. So, you can make a pretty decent income on the side with affiliate marketing.

This is my Pinterest account:

I have over 10 Million monthly viewers on my account, and I get about 80 000 monthly visitors to my site from this platform.

So Why Pinterest?

It's an absolute gold mine for affiliate marketing! The platform gets over a billion monthly visits, and what might be even more important is, close to 40% of its traffic comes from the US, which means it's buyer traffic!

The best part is that a lot of people who click on these pins are going directly to whatever pages you linked to them. There is no need to send people to your links in your bio like you have to do on other social media like Instagram or Tiktok!

Just a quick disclaimer: Don't expect to make thousands of dollars overnight with just one pin. The results take weeks and months of consistent posting, several times a day. But I'll show you how to automate the process so you can make a lot of money with free traffic from Pinterest, ChatGPT, and affiliate marketing!

 So, let's get started!

Signing Up in an Affiliate Network to Get Links

We'll be using Impact Marketplace to get the affiliate product links which are free to sign up for. Impact is available anywhere around the world and has over 2 500 different brands and products in dozens of different niches.

You can promote any of these products and get paid huge commissions; sometimes it's 30 or 40% recurring commissions, meaning you can get monthly commissions. This is very common in the software niche or with various memberships. So your affiliate income can even become almost passive over time!

So create your account on Impact Marketplace. Once you've done that, you'll see all these different niches on the left-hand side. All you need to do is pick any one of these niches, find the products and brands you like and trust, apply for their affiliate program, and get the links to promote them on Pinterest!

By the way, in many niches, you will find certain brands are automatically accepting anyone who is willing to promote them. You'll see a list of them saying Pre-Qualified, and you can simply click Join, no need to apply even.

Once you are approved as a partner for a particular brand, you just need to click on the brand, and you can create an affiliate link to their website.

Again, you can do your research on Impact before you promote anything. You want to check some stats for a brand, visit their website, and see if they have good customer reviews and a good reputation. All of this can affect conversions, and so it can affect your affiliate income.

Personally, I really like to work with software companies that have recurring commissions because, as I mentioned, your income becomes more passive over time as people who purchased software through your links might be using it for many months or even years to come, and you'll keep getting paid on a regular basis for the same exact referrals.

Just as an example, I'll show you how to promote NordVPN because it's software with a very generous 40% commission and can be appealing to a very broad audience. I was recently approved to promote NordVPN on Impact, so I can show you all the process of how to get the affiliate link, and so on.

Now we need to start using ChatGPT to help us promote on Pinterest any of these products available on Impact on Pinterest.

Using ChatGPT to Create the Text for Pinterest Pins

So now our objective is to use ChatGPT to help us in crafting the necessary information for our Pinterest pins. We need titles and descriptions kind of like these for Pinterest.

The first step is to access ChatGPT, and if you don't already have an account, simply create one; it has a free version.

What you should do next is start engaging with ChatGPT by asking questions like, "Give me four reasons why NordVPN is the best for digital security." You could ask why it's recommended for internet users in countries with strict online restrictions, depending on the demographic you want to target.

Using these texts, you can create at least 4 different pins, and I'll show you how to design pins that deliver significant value and encourage people to click your links and sign up for NordVPN.

Organizing the Text for Pinterest Pins

Now we'll try to organize this information better for Pinterest's format. To do this, tell ChatGPT to take the provided points and create a spreadsheet where one column contains the main points and the other has detailed descriptions.

ChatGPT will generate a spreadsheet for you. Each point, along with its detailed description, will serve as content for your individual Pinterest pins, helping ChatGPT to carry out the heavy lifting for you.

Next, you can ask ChatGPT to come up with 4 enticing Pin titles for each of these points, encourage users to click, and include emojis. The more clicks, the more likely you'll earn commissions through NordVPN subscriptions.

See what happened, ChatGPT took it even a step further; I was asking for just 4 titles, but it made 4 different versions of pin titles for each of the benefits of NordVPN we are trying to cover in our pins.

After crafting the titles, the next step is to upload these pins to Pinterest.

Posting the Pins on Pinterest

First, make sure you have a Pinterest profile. It's 100% free to set it up and very easy. With Pinterest, you should know that consistent posting is key for attracting views and clicks from Pinterest; if you slack, the monthly views will drop. My advice is to aim for three to five pins daily.

Designing the Pins

Now, to design these pins, you can use a free platform like It's user-friendly and provides thousands of design templates to make your pins stand out. You can get a forever free account using my link, and once you are inside the tool, just search for Pin templates. You will not only get the templates but also here on the right side, you'll see Canva has a large Media library with stock photos and videos, most of them are totally free, so you can use them even on your free plan.

In Canva, you can click on this button Create Design and start typing "Pinterest Pin," and you'll have two options here - one is 1000 by 1500 pixels, and the other is a bit taller, both formats work fine. Personally, I often prefer the taller pins because they allow you to add a larger font of the text overlay on your pins, and you will also take more space in the Pinterest feed with a taller pin.

Now you will see a ton of pin templates on the right side. You should pick templates that have very large text fonts; you want the text to be easily readable on mobile devices. And try to pick a template where the text overlay is in the top part or at least goes to the middle of the pin, but not to the bottom part where users will not even notice the text.

See, I picked this template because it has large fonts, is very easy to read, and I can play around with this design, changing different elements with a few clicks.

Now see what I did here? I went back to the texts and titles generated in ChatGPT and started using them as text overlays on my pins.

On this original template, I first just copied the texts from the first few titles that highlighted the strong encryption of NordVPN. See here, these are the same exact texts on my pin that we had in ChatGPT. Then I also changed the background photo; I just found a free photo in the stock library on the left here and dragged it to the pin, and then I just stretched the photo a little bit to match the size of this particular pin better.

Now I simply duplicated this pin to the second page and made other variations of it according to the 4 points we got from ChatGPT.

Ok, I just need to download these files to my computer now; I will choose PNG format to get the best quality image because it's important for Pinterest. It can take a bit of time, and if you chose to download all 4 images at once, they'll be downloaded as a ZIP file.

When you open that ZIP file, the images will have just numbers as their names.

You could just take these images as they are and upload them on Pinterest, but pay attention to what I'm going to show you now - it's a pro tip.

So, I usually take one extra step and change the file names to include the main focus keywords we are trying to target here. I would say the main keyword here is "Best VPN Service," so that's what I will name our files. I am doing this to give an additional signal about these pins to Pinterest's algorithm.

And I bet if I didn't tell you about it, you'd just upload the files with some random numbers in the file name.

Creating and Uploading the Pinterest Pins

We'll get back to Pinterest, click on this "Create Pin" button, and by the way, in case you are wondering what's this "Create Idea" pin and in case you don't see it in your account, that's a format of pins that Pinterest is slowly removing from the platform.

Many users already see a different interface with no Idea pins, but ironically, for those users whose accounts are already with the new interface, when they click on "Create pin," the flow looks like the flow for Idea pins.

But it doesn't really matter what's the interface on your account, one way or another, you will always have a pin title, a pin description, and the field to add a URL where you want your pin to lead users.

So we'll click "Create Pin" and upload the images we've created in Canva.

If you just drag all the images at once, that's a typical mistake people make. You'll be offered to create a Carousel or a Collage from those pins. None of these options is what we need here. Because by doing this, we would create just one pin using our 4 images. We did all this work creating 4 different pin titles and descriptions in ChatGPT, so we should use them properly!

You should pick each image separately and then click on the plus icon at the top left to add all 4 images to create 4 different pins.

Here you go, I uploaded all 4 images, and now I need to copy from ChatGPT respective titles and descriptions for each pin — see, I'll do it first for the point about encryption, then for the second pin, and so on.

Setting Up the Affiliate Links on Linktree

But now we are getting to the best part — adding the destination URL! This is a crucial step because many people try to use direct affiliate links or other link-shortening services that are not accepted on Pinterest. If you do that, you can often face an issue that the link is not accepted, and the domain you are trying to link to is blocked.

So I recommend you to use Linktree because you can link to your profile, and it's allowed on Pinterest. The advantage of Linktree is that it allows you to promote multiple affiliate products on one page. You can also add products from platforms like ClickBank or Digistore24.

By the way, you should know that ClickBank affiliate links are ones of those that are blocked on Pinterest, so there is no other way to add links to Clickbank products except sending users through your Linktree profile.

If you don't have a Linktree profile, set it up because it's totally free. They do have a paid version, but I've been using the free service, and I'm not sure why I would need the paid version unless I wanted some additional customization options like colors. But I can assure you, my Linktree account works perfectly fine, and it's completely free.

Once you set up your account on Linktree, it will look something like this. You do have the option of customizing this to change the colors; I keep mine simple. Now we want to start customizing our Linktree profile.

Currently, I'm promoting a few free offers for my audience, like my Pinterest Masterclass, including my YouTube channel link. What you can do is include a link for NordVPN and any other affiliate programs you're involved in. To do this, simply go to the top and click "Add a link."

We go back to Impact Marketplace where I had the page with the NordVPN link open, now we can copy the URL and paste our affiliate link on Linktree. Now it will even generate a link title automatically, or you can change it as you wish. See, the link is already at the top of my Linktree in the preview!

If someone clicks on the NordVPN link, they'll be taken to the NordVPN website and see the special deal, and if they make a purchase, you'll receive a commission.

Once you've added all the products you want in your Linktree profile, go to the top, click on "Share," scroll down, and copy the short link at the bottom.

Then, head over to Pinterest and paste the Linktree URL as your destination link. You need to add this link to all of your pins.

Publishing the Pins

To publish the first pin, I need to find the most relevant board on my account. I'll find my Online Business tips board and hit publish. The first pin is already on the platform, but for my second pin, I'll better use the scheduler; you can set your pins to go live up to a month in advance. I'd use about 7 days of an interval to make sure that your account doesn't look spammy if similar pins about the same topic get published too close to each other.

We can now go to my Pinterest profile to check the pin I just created. We have to click on the Saved tab, and there is the folder with recent pins; the last one is my NordVPN pin, and you can see here is the link to my Linktree profile.

Another place where you can add your Linktree link is in your Pinterest profile bio. In my case, as you know, I have a website, but if you don't have your own website, you can add your Linktree URL instead.


So, what's left for you to do now is to create your Pinterest account, sign up for ChatGPT, check my links in the description below to join Impact Marketplace, get a free Canva account, a free Linktree account, and start making affiliate commissions!

The more frequently you post on Pinterest, the more traffic and clicks you'll get, which can help you earn a significant income through Pinterest affiliate marketing.

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