June 29, 2023 0 424

How to Create Start-Up Guides with ChatGPT

Start-up guides are comprehensive materials meant to provide vital knowledge and assistance to aspiring entrepreneurs and new business owners on the process of starting and building a successful firm. These books operate as road maps, providing step-by-step instructions, practical ideas, and professional guidance to help you negotiate the intricacies of starting a new business. Whether you're looking for a game-changing business idea or want to transform your hobby into a profitable business, start-up manuals provide useful insights into the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. These publications serve as reliable companions on the route to entrepreneurial success, from generating a good business plan and performing market research to acquiring capital, building a strong team, and implementing efficient marketing techniques.

Let's dive into the article and learn how you can create a start-up Guide with AI.

Creating Start-Up Guides

Creating start-up guides can be a daunting task, requiring extensive research, industry knowledge, and the ability to communicate complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. However, with the advancements in artificial intelligence, tools like ChatGPT have emerged as valuable resources to assist in the creation of start-up guides. In this article, we will explore how ChatGPT can be leveraged to generate informative and engaging start-up guides that provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the guidance they need to navigate the challenging world of startups. 

Research Start-Up Guide Ideas to Promote

We need to find start-up guide ideas we should promote, and this is where ChatGPT is going to help us. It is smart to promote areas with high trends because many entrepreneurs will be interested in such areas. 

ChatGPT prompt: 

Write start-up guide ideas with very high trends

The result: 


  • E-commerce and Dropshipping: With the rise of online shopping, starting an e-commerce or dropshipping business has gained significant popularity. This involves setting up an online store and selling products without the need for inventory management. Providing a comprehensive guide on navigating the e-commerce landscape, identifying profitable niches, and implementing effective marketing strategies can be highly sought after.
  • Remote Work and Virtual Collaboration: The shift towards remote work has accelerated in recent times, making it a promising area for start-ups. A start-up guide focusing on remote work best practices, tools for virtual collaboration, and building a remote team can help individuals and businesses adapt to this new way of working.
  • Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Ventures: As environmental consciousness grows, there is an increasing demand for start-ups focused on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. A guide on launching sustainable businesses, incorporating eco-friendly principles, and identifying market opportunities in green industries can attract entrepreneurs looking to make a positive impact.
  • Health and Wellness Tech: With the growing interest in health and wellness, start-ups in the health tech sector have witnessed significant growth. A start-up guide in this domain can explore topics such as wearable devices, digital health platforms, personalized wellness solutions, and leveraging technology to enhance overall well-being.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: The advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) present exciting opportunities for start-ups. A guide that introduces AI and ML concepts, explores applications in various industries, and provides insights on building AI-driven products or services can attract entrepreneurs interested in cutting-edge technology.
  • Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategies: In the digital age, effective digital marketing and social media strategies are crucial for business success. A start-up guide offering insights into digital marketing channels, social media advertising, content creation, and analytics can be highly valuable for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to establish a strong online presence.
  • Online Education and E-Learning: The growth of online education and e-learning presents immense potential for start-ups. A guide focusing on creating and marketing online courses, building e-learning platforms, and leveraging technology for remote learning can cater to the increasing demand in this sector.

Remember, when choosing a start-up guide idea, it's essential to consider your own expertise, market demand, and potential competition. Conducting thorough research and validating the market viability of your chosen idea will increase the chances of success in your start-up journey.

Niches to Focus On

We can pick any of the start-up guide suggestions ChatGPT has given us above, but we need to focus on a smaller segment of the whole big picture. For example, let's say we decide to go ahead to work with online education and e-learning, we are going to ask ChatGPT to give us niches we can focus on. 

ChatGPT prompt: 


Online Education and E-Learning: The growth of online education and e-learning presents immense potential for start-ups. A guide focusing on creating and marketing online courses, building e-learning platforms, and leveraging technology for remote learning can cater to the increasing demand in this sector.

If I want to write guides for the above, write profitable niches can I focus on. 

The result: 


When writing guides for the online education and e-learning sector, you can focus on the following profitable niches:

  • Language Learning: Online language learning platforms and courses have gained significant popularity. Creating a guide that focuses on teaching specific languages, providing language learning strategies, or catering to specialized language needs (e.g., business language, travel language) can be a profitable niche.
  • Skill-Based Learning: Many individuals are seeking online courses to acquire new skills or enhance existing ones. You can focus on niches such as graphic design, coding, digital marketing, photography, writing, or any other in-demand skill set.
  • Test Preparation: Guides that help students prepare for standardized tests such as SAT, ACT, GMAT, or language proficiency exams like TOEFL or IELTS can be highly profitable. Offering comprehensive study plans, test-taking strategies, and practice materials can attract a large audience.
  • Professional Development: Many professionals are looking to enhance their careers through online courses. Creating guides that focus on career advancement, leadership development, project management, public speaking, or other professional skills can be lucrative in the e-learning market.
  • Health and Fitness: The health and fitness industry has seen a surge in online courses and platforms. You can create guides focusing on specific workout routines, nutrition plans, yoga practices, mindfulness techniques, or specialized fitness programs tailored to specific demographics or health conditions.
  • Personal Finance and Investing: Providing educational resources on personal finance management, budgeting, investing strategies, or retirement planning can be a profitable niche. Many individuals are seeking online courses to improve their financial literacy and make informed financial decisions.
  • Parenting and Child Development: Guides that cater to parents and cover topics such as child development, positive parenting techniques, homeschooling, or specific parenting challenges can be highly sought after in the online education market.

Remember to conduct thorough market research to identify the demand and competition within your chosen niche. Assessing factors such as target audience size, competition level, and market trends will help you determine the profitability and viability of your chosen niche in the online education and e-learning sector.

Make More Findings in Marketplaces

As suggested by ChatGPT, we are not just going to pick any of the suggestions, but we are going to check marketplaces to know what to promote. Every marketplace has particular products that sell well. What sells in a marketplace very well may not sell well in another. There are several online marketplaces where you can sell your online education and e-learning guides. Some popular platforms include:

  • Udemy

Udemy is a leading online learning platform where instructors can create and sell their courses. It provides a large audience base and a user-friendly interface for course creation.

  • Teachable

Teachable is a platform that allows you to create and sell online courses under your own brand. It offers customizable course websites, marketing tools, and integration with various payment gateways.

  • Skillshare

Skillshare is a subscription-based learning platform that allows you to share your expertise through video-based classes. You earn royalties based on the number of minutes watched by premium members.

  • Coursera

Coursera is an online learning platform that partners with universities and educational institutions to offer courses. You can apply to become a Coursera instructor and create courses within your area of expertise.

  • Thinkific

Thinkific is a platform that enables you to create and sell online courses. It provides features like course creation, customization, marketing tools, and integration with popular payment gateways.

  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

If you plan to publish your guides as e-books, you can consider using Amazon's KDP platform. It allows you to self-publish and sell your e-books in the Kindle Store, reaching a wide audience of Kindle readers.

  • Gumroad

Gumroad is a platform that allows you to sell digital products, including e-books and guides. It provides features like payment processing, customizable product pages, and customer management.

  • Etsy

While primarily known for handmade and vintage items, Etsy also offers a marketplace for digital products. You can sell your guides in the "Digital Downloads" category, targeting customers interested in online education.

Canva Course on Etsy

We made a thorough research, and we found a Canva Coaching Mega Bundle course on Etsy we think we can improve on and sell well on Etsy.

We are going to use ChatGPT to create a similar product to this so we can have a share of the market by using the description and content of the Canva Coaching Mega Bundle in our ChatGPT prompt. 


We may have to buy the bundle to copy all the templates, or we can use Canva to design ours. We are simply going to add instructions on how to use the templates so as to make ours unique, and with ChatGPT, it is easy to achieve. 

ChatGPT Prompt: 

Based on the description and course content  of a Canva Coaching Mega Bundle course below, write the outline of guide I can sell to Canva users: 


High quality templates — get this super low price before it goes up!

OVER 800 templates

Everything you need for your coaching business

Fully editable in Canva (for FREE)

Bonus Canva editing guide included

Bonus Social media planner included!


  • 100 Page business plan
  • 35 Canva sales page templates
  • 45 Social media launch posts
  • 45 matching Launch reels/stories
  • 50 Page lead magnet
  • 30 Social media posts 
  • 30 Matching Reels / stories 
  • 60 Slidr deck templates
  • 46 Carousel templates 
  • 30 Faceboook group posts
  • 30 Notication posts
  • 46 Carousel templates 
  • 15 Launch Pinteres pins
  • 10 Module covers
  • 10 Facebook group headers
  • 25 Event covers
  • 39 Page cpurse workbook
  • 5 email signatures
  • 3 Link in bio templates

The result: 

Guide: Maximizing the Canva Mega Bundle Templates for Your Coaching Business


Overview of the Canva Mega Bundle and its value for coaching businesses

Introduction to the guide and its purpose in helping you make the most of the templates

Section 1: Getting Started with Canva

1.1 Sign up and account setup on Canva

1.2 Navigating the Canva interface and accessing the templates

1.3 Understanding the editing tools and options in Canva

Section 2: Exploring the Canva Mega Bundle Templates

2.1 Overview of the included templates and their purpose

2.2 Highlighting the benefits and versatility of the Mega Bundle

2.3 Familiarizing yourself with the range of templates available

Section 3: Customizing Your Coaching Business Materials

3.1 Editing the 100-page business plan template to suit your needs

3.2 Utilizing the Canva sales page templates for captivating 

product/service promotions

3.3 Crafting engaging social media launch posts and reels/stories using the provided templates

3.4 Creating lead magnets and downloadable resources with the lead magnet template

3.5 Designing attention-grabbing social media posts and matching reels/stories

3.6 Creating impactful slide decks for presentations and webinars using the slide deck templates

3.7 Incorporating inspirational quotes into your coaching materials with the quote templates

3.8 Utilizing the carousel templates for engaging and interactive social media content

3.9 Designing eye-catching Facebook group posts and notifications

3.10 Creating Pinterest pins to launch your coaching programs or offerings

3.11 Customizing module covers for your coaching courses or programs

3.12 Designing Facebook group headers to enhance your community branding

3.13 Creating visually appealing event covers for webinars, workshops, or live events

3.14 Utilizing the course workbook template for organizing and presenting course materials

3.15 Adding professional email signatures to your communication

Section 4: Bonus Resources and Guides

4.1 Making the most of the included Canva editing guide for mastering the platform

4.2 Leveraging the bonus social media planner for effective content planning and scheduling

Section 5: Best Practices and Tips

5.1 Design principles for creating visually appealing coaching materials

5.2 Ensuring branding consistency across all templates and materials

5.3 Tips for streamlining your workflow and saving time with Canva

5.4 Staying updated on new Canva features and utilizing them in your designs


Recap of the benefits and value of the Canva Mega Bundle templates for your coaching business

Encouragement to explore and experiment with the templates to create compelling coaching materials

Final thoughts and next steps to start implementing the customized templates in your coaching business.

Note: This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to use the Canva Mega Bundle templates for your coaching business. Feel free to expand on each section, provide step-by-step instructions, and include visual examples to enhance the guide's usability and effectiveness for your target audience.


By leveraging the knowledge and expertise of ChatGPT, entrepreneurs can create comprehensive and informative start-up guides that cater to the needs of their target audience; however, it's important to remember that while ChatGPT can offer assistance and generate ideas, human input, and validation are still crucial for creating high-quality and tailored start-up guides. So, combine the power of technology with your entrepreneurial vision and expertise to create impactful start-up guides that inspire and guide aspiring entrepreneurs on their journey to success.

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