July 29, 2023 0 463

9 AI-Powered Text and Language Software for Programmers, Bloggers, and Copywriters

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is always evolving, and its applications are constantly expanding. It's amazing how AI systems can help with coding, spotting logical errors in text, and offering simplified explanations of scientific articles. They can even analyze movie plots and millions of reviews to tell us if a movie is worth watching.

So, in this article, we've put together a list of the best AI text and language generators for IT projects. This resource is especially valuable for programmers, bloggers, SEO specialists, and copywriters.

1. ChatGPT

Currently, GPT-3 stands as the largest language model in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) designed for natural language processing. It's super impressive because it can generate text in different languages, just like a human can. I mean, it can do all sorts of things, from writing poetry and news articles to solving anagrams, programming, and even translating.

The thing is, GPT-3 isn't accessible to the general public yet. It's only available to a special group of developers. But there's this chatbot called ChatGPT that's based on GPT-3, and that's open to everyone. You can find it online and have a chat with it.

ChatGPT is a versatile chatbot that's built on the GPT-3 model. It's designed to have conversations with you, and it can handle all sorts of text and code-related tasks. It's pretty smart too. It can spot and point out mistakes in grammar and logic in a given text, and it can even explain why it made the corrections. And if it turns out it was wrong about something, it admits the mistake and learns from it for future reference.

So, we were talking to this chatbot, and we asked it a logical riddle about sparrows sitting on a tree. The first time it got the answer wrong, but with a little hint, the AI system nailed it and gave us a great solution.


For programmers, having an AI-powered chatbot like this is a real game-changer. It can be a helpful assistant, simplifying tasks and making things easier, although it won't handle everything on its own.

Let's take an example of a developer using an advanced AI system to create a Spring MVC controller. The goal of this controller is to receive a book object as input and save it to a database.

Now, the amazing part is that the AI-powered network generated the code flawlessly, without a single error. It even took into consideration some of the features mentioned in the request.

Here's how it elaborated on the actions:

Usually, when a bot writes complex code, there's a chance it might contain small bugs. That's why it's important to double-check the bot's output and ask it to correct any errors it finds. This is especially useful for beginner programmers who can use the learning bot to understand certain aspects of the task.

And guess what? The AI can also provide suggestions for improving the code:

So, all in all, having an AI-powered chatbot like this can truly be a programmer's best friend. It simplifies tasks, catches errors, and even offers suggestions for making the code even better.


Besides programming, ChatGPT can also help students and schoolchildren with their essay writing and homework. It's pretty amazing how this AI effortlessly tackles different math problems and even scores a 95% on university-level tests in microbiology.

We thought it would be interesting to test the bot's math-solving abilities by giving it problems meant for 9th graders. Let's take a look at the first problem and the answer provided by the AI.

Great answer with a detailed explanation! It clearly shows that AI can be a valuable tool in helping students grasp difficult concepts.

Generation of Ideas

You can simply have a fun conversation with the AI or ask it for suggestions on various ideas. I should mention that ChatGPT works better in English compared to other languages. So, if you want the best results, it's recommended to make your requests in English.

For instance, you can ask the AI to come up with startup ideas:

Note: If you're in Russia and want to use ChatGPT, you'll need to enable a VPN before registering and creating an account using a foreign phone number. There are services that offer disposable virtual numbers for purchase. Once you've successfully registered, you can start interacting with the chatbot.

Keep in mind that in the future, the creators of ChatGPT plan to introduce a paid model. So, make sure to take advantage of the AI while it's still accessible to everyone.

2. Aiseo

Aiseo is an online service for writing SEO-optimized articles. According to the creators, it allows you to complete your tasks 10 times faster. It's pretty good because it can either generate articles from scratch or spruce up existing ones by giving them a specific style or making them better.

To make things super convenient, Aiseo already has ready-made templates for writing text.

Check out these examples:

You can also use the service to rewrite texts. And get this, you can make the rewritten version look so similar to the original that you can't even tell the difference! It's perfect for when you just need to make some small changes without altering the essence. They call this function "Paraphraser," and here's what it looks like:

One of the really useful tools in Aiseo is the text readability analysis feature, which looks like this:

Another cool thing is that it can generate a professional-looking cover for your article or blog post. Let's give it a whirl and see what cover it comes up with for this article:

Hmm, it looks interesting, but maybe not super professional to use that picture for an article.

Overall, it's not too bad, although the double hand is a bit intimidating.

The main goal of Aiseo is to help you write complete texts with ready-made SEO optimization. To get started, all you have to do is enter the topic of the article, its style, and keywords.

Here's the result of the request "Write an article about the use of AI in marketing." And let me tell you, it's a really good result:

Now, Aiseo isn't free. It's a paid service, but they offer different types of subscriptions. The cheapest one is called "Grow," and it costs $15 per month. With that, you get 500 credits, which is enough for 50,000 characters. If you want unlimited writing and copy optimization, you can go for the "Scale" medium plan, which costs $29 per month. And if you need to share the service with someone else, there's the "Team" plan for $44 per month. It's the same as the Scale plan, but it allows a second person to use the service too.

To sum it all up, Aiseo is definitely worth checking out if you're a copywriter or an SEO specialist. It offers a wide range of functionality and provides valuable content that can save you time and make your work easier.

3. Galactica

Galactica, developed by Meta AI Research Team, is a powerful open-source language model designed to help students learn material quickly. Its main strength lies in its ability to analyze text and generate concise notes from large text files.

The AI model's website offers various options to explore its capabilities, such as solving mathematical tasks:

Unfortunately, Galactica is currently unavailable for testing. Shortly after its release, the model was shut down due to the discovery of incoherent texts being produced, falsely presented as scientific articles. Initial tests revealed that Galactica provided incorrect information in 85% of its responses. However, the developers claim that it surpasses GPT-3 in analyzing and writing scientific texts.

Furthermore, users started generating scientific-sounding texts containing offensive or dangerous content. This became another reason for restricting access to the AI model. It may be reintroduced in the future once these issues have been addressed, although it is likely that it will no longer be open-source.

4. Explainpaper

Explainpaper is an online service powered by GPT-3 that helps users analyze complex articles and texts to obtain a concise summary. So, let's say you come across a word, sentence, or paragraph that makes absolutely no sense to you, Explainpaper comes to the rescue by explaining it all in a way that's super easy to understand. It's like having your own personal translator for scientific articles, books, and studies, plus it's great for language learning too.

Oh, and just so you know, Explainpaper only works with articles written in English. So, if you're trying to make sense of some mind-boggling English text, it's your go-to assistant. It's like having a magical language decoder that instantly explains unfamiliar words or abbreviations.

To show you how well it works, they actually did this experiment using a scientific article on depression. They picked a section about bipolar disorder and let the AI do its thing:

The network highlighted the main idea and made it way easier to understand. Pretty cool, right?

Here's the thing — the focus is all about providing explanations in a way that's easier to understand. So you get to grasp the meaning without feeling overwhelmed by complicated jargon.

The best part is that Explainpaper is totally free. All you gotta do is sign up, and you're good to go. You can even upload PDF files straight from your computer. Seriously, it's definitely worth giving it a shot!

5. Copilot

Copilot is this amazing AI-powered program that basically writes code for you based on an English text query. It's like having a coding partner right in your Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It was developed by GitHub and OpenAI, and let me tell you, it delivers some seriously impressive results that can blow any programmer's mind.

Now, here's the thing about Copilot. It can't do all the coding by itself, but what it can do is save you a ton of time on those repetitive tasks and make the whole process of writing code a lot simpler. It's especially great with Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, and Go, although it's not as effective with Bash.

So how does it work? Well, Copilot fetches relevant code from GitHub's data store and presents it to you. At first, you might think that the suggestions it gives may not always be accurate, but here's the interesting part. Recent research among developers has shown that users actually accept about 26% of all suggestions. And guess what? Copilot gets better over time. It learns not just from open-source data, but also from the code you write while using the program. This means it understands your specific needs as a programmer and gradually gives you more relevant results. It's like having your own personalized coding assistant.

There was a developer who put Copilot to the test and tried two different ways of interacting with it. In the first approach, they tried creating a new AI code component using a simple text request.

However, the output generated by Copilot wasn't ideal. It suggested importing unnecessary elements, so that method wasn't the most effective. But then, in the next example, the developer started creating the component themselves, and guess what? Copilot understood the requirements better and produced exactly what was needed. It's all about finding the right way to work with it.

Now, here's the catch. Copilot isn't available to the public just yet. You'll need to submit an application and wait for approval to get your hands on it. But the good news is, you don't need to have some impressive background to access the program. It's accessible to pretty much anyone who wants to give it a try. So why not give it a shot and see how it can save you time and make your coding life easier?

6. Ghostwriter  by Replit

Ghostwriter is really similar to Copilot in terms of what it does and the features it offers. It's like having an AI assistant for programmers. Basically, it's there to make developers' lives easier by suggesting code improvements and helping out with various tasks.

The way Ghostwriter works is pretty cool. It uses a massive language model that learns from millions of lines of open-source code, as well as the specific code of a particular developer. Its main focus is on four key tasks: continuing code, generating new code, transforming existing code, and providing explanations.

Let's say a developer is working on a basic bubble sort function:

With Ghostwriter, all they have to do is leave a comment explaining what they want to achieve. In just a matter of seconds, Ghostwriter understands the goal and delivers the desired outcome. It's pretty impressive!

Now, Ghostwriter isn't free, but it's definitely worth considering. There are different subscription options available. You can go for $0.01 per cycle or pay $7 per month for unlimited access.

Plus, they offer a 14-day free trial, so you can give it a spin before committing. And if you just want to check out the general features, they have a free pack available too.

7. SciSpace

SciSpace is an online service that uses AI to analyze and explain complex scientific texts in simple language.SciSpace is this cool online service that uses AI to analyze and explain scientific stuff in simple words. It's kinda like Explainpaper, but it does a bit more. You can use it in different languages. And get this, you don't even have to download articles. You can just pick 'em right on the website.

When they first tested SciSpace, they tried it out with this English article on “depression”:

They focused on this part about the brain resisting antidepressants and made it way easier to understand. They simplified the text by removing all those complicated drug interactions and just focused on the main idea.

SciSpace can still be handy for reading articles and helping you figure out those tricky words. And the best part? It is totally free! All you gotta do is sign up.

Overall, it's a pretty interesting tool that uses AI to make reading scientific stuff a little bit easier.

8. Google Translation Hub

Translation Hub is a cloud-based AI tool for document translation, designed for multinational companies. It is used to quickly and accurately translate documents into 135 languages, ensuring that every employee feels comfortable at work.

Importantly, the formatting of the document is preserved during the translation process, which takes only a few minutes. Previously, employees would have to wait weeks for the translation.

The translation prices depend on the package and the number of pages. At the basic level, the cost of one page is $0.15, while at the advanced level, it is $0.50.

Compared to the cost of hiring a human translator, using Translation Hub is much more cost-effective. Additionally, the translation results are not affected by human factors such as well-being. The developers also claim that over time, the quality of translations for each company will continue to improve as the AI is trained on their specific documents.

9. Stock AI — Article to featured image

This service uses AI to create a cover image for an article based on what it's about. It's supposed to work with English, but we wanted to see if it could handle Russian too. So, we decided to test it out by starting with an article in the Russian language about cryptocurrency. And this is what it came up with:

Well, the outcome was pretty weird and didn't match the article at all. Turns out, the program doesn't understand Russian. Not a great start. But we didn't give up just yet. We thought, okay, let's try it with an English article instead.

Guess what? We got another bizarre result.

This time, though, we couldn't make any excuses. We wanted to see if the AI was just randomly picking images or if it actually considered the article's content.

So far, it seems like the images it generates are just random pictures from the internet, totally unrelated to the text. We weren't impressed. As a last-ditch effort, we used an article about jewelry sales in English.

This time, we did get a store image, which was somewhat relevant to the article. However, there was no image of jewelry but rather a clothes store, so it was still a bit off. Overall, this service is just another unreliable option that doesn't give you any meaningful results as of now. Our advice? Don't waste your time on it.


So after reviewing most of the programs today, I gotta say they've shown some impressive results. They can definitely be a huge help in our work, especially for programmers and copywriters. AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is gonna be a game-changer because it takes care of those repetitive tasks like coding and writing articles, saving us a ton of time.

And get this, new programs are popping up every week! This is just the start, my friend. In the future, we can definitely look forward to even more advanced and super intelligent AI systems that'll become our go-to assistants in our everyday lives. Can't wait to see what's coming next!

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