January 29, 2022 0 1029

Top 25 Free SEO Tools in 2022

Having proper SEO is the number one to have your online presence felt. For many online ventures, SEO is a key part of their online marketing.

Most SEO tools are so expensive but in this article, we are sharing with you the top 25 free SEO tools that have been tested and proven in over 4 years by Hrishikesh Pardeshi, the Co-founder of Flexiple who receives over      1 000 000 organic visitors per month to the website of his startup.

We are dividing the tools into 5 categories which are:

  • Keyword Ideas
  • Keyword Research
  • Writing
  • On-page SEO
  • Tracking

Keyword Ideas

This is Google’s search input textbox. Whenever you type something on Google, you'll see text predictions that can be your seed keywords. To get more results, type in letters sequentially. Like "funding a", or "funding b" — you can do that up to "z" to find keywords that can easily go with your main topic.

Keyworddit extracts keywords from popular Reddit subreddits based on the number of comments. You just have to enter the name of a subreddit and it will show you the top keywords from that subreddit sorted by their monthly search volume.

Google Trends shows how popular a topic is across a time range. It’s useful for finding sub-topics or trends in your niche that you want to target.

Quora is a popular Q&A platform. You can use it to generate keyword ideas by searching for a broad term you already know and then checking the questions and related questions that show up.

Wikipedia is a great tool for finding keyword ideas especially in the "table of contents" segment. If you were to check the table of contents for a particular topic like  'telecommuting', you will find interesting topics like "remote office centers", "information security for teleworkers", and more. All these can be used to create strong keywords for your articles or blog content.

Keyword Research

​​​​​​​This is Google’s own keyword research tool. It’s totally free and has the most authentic data. It provides a numerical range for keyword volume data, competition data, and more but not the exact numbers.

Ahrefs is a freemium keyword research tool. Its free version is a powerful keyword research tool. It shows the top 100 keyword ideas with monthly volume and keyword difficulty. It also shows the top 50 related questions.

Answer The Public is a great tool for finding seed keyword ideas or blog topics. It shares popular filtered results from Google autocomplete but the free version accepts only 2 searches/day.


Hemingway is a tool that helps to make your writing more clear and readable. It tells you exactly what part of your content is easy or hard to read.

Grammarly is a tool that helps to check for grammatical errors and typos in written content. Its browser extension helps to run it on any content you write anywhere on the web.

​​​​​​​LSI Graph is a Latent Semantic Indexing tool. It finds and aggregates keywords considered similar by search engines, and it then gives you the LSI keywords that you can infuse into your content.

On-page SEO

​​​​​​​Yoast SEO gives you key on-page and technical SEO statistics for a particular blog or website. It provides data on the titles, meta descriptions, keyword density, keyword presence in headings, and more.

Rank Math is an alternative to Yoast SEO. It offers a similar set of features like data on the titles, meta descriptions, keyword density, keyword presence in headings, and more.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Moz Toolbar is an extension that provides link metrics showing domain authority, do-follow/no-follow links, and also performs on-page SEO analysis. It’s extremely handy because it stays at the top of your browser while you browse the internet.

​​​​​​​This is Ahrefs version of the Moz toolbar. It shows a lot of helpful SEO metrics like title, meta, word count, and more while you browse the web.

​​​​​​​This tool shows/ predicts how your page will look in search results based on your title, URL & meta description. You can use it to optimize your snippets for higher click rates.

​​​​​​​Animalz Revive analyses your Google Analytics data and suggests what content or posts on your website need to be refreshed. It also shows the data on traffic loss from the peak date on a particular page or blog.

​​​​​​​Siteliner is a tool that scans your website and sends you a full SEO report that highlights problems like duplicate content, broken links, and many more.

​​​​​​​Google Analytics provides essential analytical data about your website. It is a must-have tool for every SEO setup or configuration.

​​​​​​​Google Search Console is also an essential tool for every SEO setup. It provides you search-specific data about your website like keywords you rank for, number of clicks, and more.

​​​​​​​This is Bing’s version of Google Search Console. It must be part of your SEO setup if you aim to optimize content for Bing.


Ahrefs Backlink Checker shows key SEO metrics for a website including domain rating, URL rating & list of top 100 backlinks. It’s useful when you're looking to check the SEO statistics of your competitors’ websites.

Ahrefs SERP Checker shows key SEO metrics for the top 3 results of any keyword filterable by country. The metrics include the number of backlinks, number of referring domains, number of keywords ranking for, and more.

Ahrefs Broken Link Checker shows the top 10 broken links for any website. It’s useful when you're doing outreach to get links from broken-link opportunities

Google Pagespeed Insights gives you key statistics and data on areas that you can improve in order to increase your website’s speed and performance.

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